•  33
    Theories of language in the twentieth century tend towards one of two radically different models. One paradigm holds that expressions ‘stand for’ entities and their meanings are the entities stood for by them. According to the other, expressions are rather tools of interaction and their meanings are their functions within the interaction, their aptitudes to serve it in their distinctive ways.
  •  159
    Inferentialism, which I am going to present in detail in the following sections, is the view that meanings are, roughly, roles that are acquired by types of sounds and inscriptions in virtue of their being treated according to rules of our language games, roughly in the sense in which wooden pieces acquire certain roles by being treated according the rules of chess. The most important consequences are that (i) a meaning is not an object labeled (stood for, represented ...) by an expression; and …Read more
  •  29
    The contemporary popularity of the prefix post has found its expression also in the realm of analytic philosophy - there arises something which has come to be called postanalytic philosophy. We put forward that this branch of the analytic movement, germinating in the writings of the late Ludwig Wittgenstein, of Willard Van Orman Quine and Willfrid Sellars, and coming to full blossom with Nelson Goodman, Donald Davidson, Hilary Putnam and Richard Rorty, springs first and foremost from the repudia…Read more
  •  59
    Podíváme-li se na rané Platónovy dialogy, vidíme, že o co v nich jde především, je předvedení toho, že pojmy mají relativně jasné hranice, že zdánlivému chaosu užívání slov vládne jistý pevný řád, který si člověk dokáže i explicitně uvědomit, je-li k tomu vhodným způsobem veden. Snaha o zdůraznění a znázornění tohoto na první pohled neviditelného 'řádu v chaosu' pak podle mého názoru postupně vedla i ke konstituci Platónovy mytologie říše idejí, které, ač neviděny, hrají z hlediska viditelného s…Read more
  •  14
    Dynamická logika
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (3): 338-348. 2000.
  •  144
    The Enigma of Rules
    International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3): 377-394. 2010.
    In a remarkable early paper, Wilfrid Sellars warned us that if we cease to recognize rules, we may well find ourselves walking on four feet; and it is obvious that within human communities, the phenomenon of rules is ubiquitous. Yet from the viewpoint of the sciences, rules cannot be easily accounted for. Sellars himself, during his later years, managed to put a lot of flesh on the normative bones from which he assembled the remarkable skeleton of the early paper; and his followers too. However,…Read more
  • Philosopher on the network. 5
    Filosoficky Casopis 43 (5): 884-891. 1995.
  •  11
    Normativity is one of the keywords of contemporary philosophical discussions (which partly reincarnate traditional debates about the differences between Geisteswissenschaften and Naturwissenschaften ). But are the philosophers who argue for the irreducible role of normativity within accounts for human societies obliged to assume, as Stephen Turner has recently put it, the existence of a "non‐natural, non‐empirical stuff that is claimed to be necessarily, intrinsically there and to in some se…Read more
  • J. Wanderer, Robert Brandom
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (3): 413-418. 2010.
  •  50
    Imagine a Paleolithic hunter, who has failed to hunt down anything for a couple of days and is hungry. He has an urgent desire, the desire to eat, which he is not able to fulfill – his desire is frustrated by the world. Now imagine our contemporary bank clerk, who went to work forgetting his wallet at home and is hungry too. He too is not able to fulfill his urgent desire to eat because it is frustrated by the world. From the viewpoint of the two individuals the situation is very similar. Howeve…Read more
  •  22
    Význam a struktura: O čem je má kniha
    Filosoficky Casopis 49 143-155. 2001.
    [Meaning and structure: What is my book about?]
  •  47
    Abstrakt. Běžně se má za to, že pravidla hrají v rámci myšlení jenom marginální úlohu. Myšlení je přece proces, který je svou podstatou svobodný, ne-mechanický a kreativní – a tudíž nikoli řízený nějakými pravidly. Často se má dokonce za to, že je to právě absence pravidel, která dělá z lidského myšlení to, čím je, a co člověka principiálně odlišuje od stroje. V ostrém kontrastu k tomuto pohledu stojí Wittgensteinův výrok, že vlastně nemůžeme překročit hranice logiky – že nemůžeme myslet tak, ab…Read more
  • Fiala vs. Kolman
    Filosoficky Casopis 57 931-932. 2009.
    [Fiala vs. Kolman]
  •  32
    Nová kniha Petra Koláře, Pravda a fakt (Filosofia, Praha, 2002) je věnována tématu, kterým se Kolář částečně zabýval již ve své předchozí knize: teoriím pravdivosti a zejména teorii korespondenční. Diskuse o tom, jak explikovat pojem pravdy či pravdivosti se analytickou filosofií táhnou od jejích počátků, a rozdmychány byly zejména výsledky Tarského matematických analýz tohoto pojmu1. Kolář v první části knihy probírá a srovnává hlavní kategorie těch teorií, které jsou výsledky těchto diskusí (n…Read more
  •  30
    Within human communities, the phenomenon of rules is ubiquitous. We have the allimportant rules that are codified by our law; we have rules that are not authoritatively written down, but are usually followed (like the rule that if somebody helps me, I should be prepared to help him in turn); we have traffic rules; and the rules of various games and sports. Yet, from the scientific viewpoint, rules are not easy to account for. How is their emergence to be explained (in a way compatible with evolu…Read more
  • Ještě jednou o dvou úrovních významu
    Filosoficky Casopis 52 117-121. 2004.
    [Once again on two levels of meaning ]
  • Chomsky, „gavagai“ a jiné nebezpečné věci
    Filosoficky Casopis 53 310-317. 2005.
    [Chomsky, “gavagai” and other dangerous things ...]
  •  51
    For many centuries, a predominant view of meaning was that the meaning of a word is some kind of chunk of mind-stuff (“idea”) glued to the word and animating it. However, while the traditional view was that we must first understand meaning, which enables us to understand language and hence our linguistic practices, a new approach to semantics that has emerged in the second half of the twentieth century, and which I see as marking the future of meaning, suggests that it is our linguistic prac…Read more
  •  54
    Logic Reduced To (Proof-Theoretical) Bare Bones
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (2): 193-209. 2015.
    What is a minimal proof-theoretical foundation of logic? Two different ways to answer this question may appear to offer themselves: reduce the whole of logic either to the relation of inference, or else to the property of incompatibility. The first way would involve defining logical operators in terms of the algebraic properties of the relation of inference—with conjunction $$\hbox {A}\wedge \hbox {B}$$ A ∧ B as the infimum of A and B, negation $$\lnot \hbox {A}$$ ¬ A as the minimal incompatible…Read more
  •  20
    Odkud se berou axiomy logiky?
    Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (2): 117-139. 2013.
  •  12
    In recent years, I have published a number of papers addressing various aspect of inferentialism. These papers, I believe, do provide for a relatively multifaceted picture of (my version of) this enterprise; though still a picture that is in some respects patchy. This has made me start working on this book – it should bring my ideas of various aspects and dimensions of inferentialism to a desirable synthesis. Building the individual chapters, I usually start from taking parts of my published pap…Read more
  •  100
    There are various approaches to truth and knowledge (in fact, cataloguing them has become something of a philosophical industry of its own); and in many cases, their explanations are taken to underlie the explanation of other crucial concepts, like language, reason etc. Especially in recent years, some of the approaches have come to be based on reducing semantics to pragmatics. An outstanding example of such a pragmatist approach is that of Bob Brandom, who bases the explication of both truth an…Read more
  •  127
    There is no such Thing as Predication
    Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 40 (97). 2011.
    In a memorable paper, Donald Davidson (1986, p. 446) insists that "there is no such thing as a language, not if a language is anything like what many philosophers and linguists have supposed". I have always taken this as an exaggeration, albeit an apt exaggeration that might be philosophically helpful. Now when it comes to predication, what I would have expected to hear from the same author would be along the lines of "there is no such thing as predication ... ". But instead of this I hear somet…Read more
  •  11
    Language and the World (in Czechoslovakian)
    Filosoficky Casopis. forthcoming.
    Analytic philosophy is based on the assumption that our world is a world grasped in terms of (this or another) language and that the question of the character of any entity is closely connected with the question of the linguistic grasp of that entity. The father of this philosophical trend was Gottlob Frege: he showed the way to capture the semantic aspect of language in a systematic way without resorting into psychologism; he also showed that logical analysis can be an extremely powerful tool f…Read more
  •  29
    Existuje obrovské množství definic logiky; avÅ¡ak je tu jistá jednotící myÅ¡lenka, která se proplétá vÄ›tÅ¡inou z nich, a to je ta, že logika nám má pomoci klasifikovat úsudky, způsoby argumentace či důkazy na „správné“ a „nesprávné“, a tímto způsobem nám má pomoci lépe „usuzovat“. A protože úsudek či argumentační schéma je vÄ›cí kroku od nÄ›jakých premis k nÄ›jakému závÄ›ru a jeho správnost můžeme vyjadÅ™ovat také tak, je jeho závÄ›r odvoditel…Read more
  •  3
    No change (review)
    The Philosophers' Magazine 13 59-59. 2001.
  • Quine and meaning
    Filosoficky Casopis 43 (5): 861-863. 1995.
  • Idea. Concept. Meaning-Commentary
    Filosoficky Casopis 43 (6): 989-990. 1995.