Juan José Sanguineti

Pontifical University Of The Holy Cross
  •  21
    The article considers the topic of realism in science. First, it presents some considerations of Max Planck on this issue. Second, it displays several arguments in favour of scientic realism, provided one takes into consideration the metaphysical presuppositions of the scientific endeavour, and assumes that scientific knowledge is partial.
  •  291
    Voz Universo. Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral
    Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral. 2015.
    See Abstract in piece of paper uploaded.
  •  266
    El mundo como objeto de acción y teoría
    Studia Poliana 18. 2016.
    Being-in-the-world defines in Heidegger an ontological and practical existential situation that in a first approach characterizes intellectual knowledge, an approach related to the Husserlian notion of intentionality. In his Curso de teoría del co- nocimiento, Polo rectifies this characterization, stressing the primacy of theory regarding action, and interpreting the practical (technical) relation- ship with the world as a lower level of “having”. Ma- king some comparisons between Husserl, Sche…Read more
  •  7
    This books mainly attemps to present and clarify the concept of scientific knowledge and method in Aristotle and Kant. The background is the evlution of the notion of scientific rationality along the centuries. It is considered the passage from the classical scientific rationality to the modern view.
  •  9
    This book studies the notions of order and universe in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. It provides an overview of an array of metaphysical concepts in Aquinas such as relation, proportion, types of order, composition, whole and part. It is claimed that Aquinas' metaphysics is mainaly a metaphysics of the order of the universe.
  •  1005
    Este artículo compara el supuesto 'neoparmenidismo' de la filosofía de Severino con Polo como filósofo 'antiparmenidiano'. Siguiendo la visión de Polo, puede dilucidarse el método fundamental seguido por Severino, que consiste en asumir la mismidad de Parménides y en proyectarla en la dialéctica de Hegel. Al usar el principio de no contradicción, Severino recurre preferentemente a la operación mental de negar.
  •  333
    Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral. 2015.
    En esta voz se considera el tiempo como una dimensión de la realidad física que se manifiesta en la percepción de las cosas en su devenir y cuya realidad ontológica se apoya en las transformaciones naturales. Primeramente se afronta la temática del tiempo físico y sus características en una perspectiva filosófica. Se tocan cuestiones fundamentales como el estatuto ontológico del presente/pasado/futuro, la realidad o irrealidad del instante, la simultaneidad, la unidad y pluralidad de tiempos, la…Read more
  •  404
    The World as Object of Action and Theory
    Studia Poliana 18 27-50. 2016.
    Abstract: Being-in-the-world defines in Heidegger an ontological and practical existential situation that in a first approach characterizes intellectual knowledge, an approach related to the Husserlian notion of intentionality. In his Curso de teoría del conocimiento, Polo rectifies this characterization, stressing the primacy of theory regarding action, and interpreting the practical (technical) relationship with the world as a lower level of “having”. Making some comparisons between Husserl, S…Read more
  •  24
    In this study first we delineate an overview of the main philosophical positions on the problem of the distinction between mental acts and physical acts in man. There follows an exposition of the topic, inspired by Aristotle’s and Aquinas’s principles. Sensitive operations are physical, but in the sense of an ‘elevated body,’ thanks to a higher formal dimension, which informs the organic basis. Intellectual operations, by contrast, are completely immaterial, though they act united to the sensiti…Read more
  •  10
    Eunsa. 1985.
    A textobook on classical Aristotelian and Thomistic Logic, with some comparisons with modern authors. Topics: Conceptos, Universals, Predicables, Analogy, Proposition, Syllogism,Sophisms, Scientific Knowledge.
  •  410
    Azar y contingencia
    Sapientia 43 (67): 59. 1988.
    The article considers the notion of contingency and chance in Thomas Aquinas
  •  3685
    El método de la metafísica: la propuesta de Leonardo Polo
    In María Elvira Martínez Acuña (ed.), El abandono del límite mental, Universidad De La Sabana. pp. 41-58. 2015.
    This paper regards Leonardo Polo’s motivation for his proposal of a new method in metaphysics, the science of being. It is presented a brief comparison with similar motivations in the area of Thomistic thought. The three main points of the proposal are: the problem of the mental limit, the notion of habitual knowledge, the distinction between metaphysics and the transcendental anthropology.
  •  35
    Science, Metaphysics, Philosophy: In search of a distinction
    Acta Philosophica 11 (1): 69-92. 2002.
    This papers follows the history of the differents views on the distinction between science and philosophy (or metaphysics): classical philosophy, modern rationalism, contemporary philosophy.
  • La naturaleza como principio de racionalidad
    Sapientia 41 (159): 55. 1986.
  •  361
    El yo como causa
    Sapientia 66 23-39. 2010.
    This paper aims to explain how the human Self can be said a cause of his/her free actions, especially when they are voluntary and physical. First it is analyzed the natural causation in the physical world, particularly in self-organized living beings and afterwards in animal intentional behaviour, which is guided by cognition and emotions. An important distinction between downward causation and bottom-up causation is useful to explain the complex causality in self-organized intentional beings. D…Read more
  •  2554
    This paper presents current trends in philosophy of mind and philosophy of neuroscience, with a special focus on neuroscientists dealing with some topics usually discussed by philosophers of mind. The aim is to detect the philosophical views of those scientists, such as Eccles, Gazzaniga, Damasio, Changeux, and others, which are not easy to classify according to the standard divisions of dualism, functionalism, emergentism, and others. As the variety of opinions in these fields is sometimes a so…Read more
  •  19
    Verità e realismo nella scienza
    Divus Thomas 101 (3): 85-100. 1998.
    This paper faces the problem of the attribution of truth in a realistic sense to scientific knowledge. Arguments related to Hilary Putnam's notion of conceptual frame are considered. There is an absolute incompatibility between the existence of a conceptual background in science and the possibility of knowing a realistic, though partial truth, which has to be understood in relation to the conceptual frame.
  •  369
    The article examines Wittgenstein’s thought on the language of pain in first and third person. Relevant grammatical differences, according to the typical analytical method of this philosopher, are highlighted not only in relation to the two perspectives, but also regarding the use of cognitive verbs such as ‘feeling’ and ‘knowing’. The exam of many texts suggests some issues concerning the relationship between personal experiences, empathic grasping of other’s feelings and their conceptual trans…Read more
  •  26
    This paper considers the notion of the present in Aristotle, Heidegger and Polo. The Aristotelian analysis of the "now" is subjected to oscillations between identity and diversity. Heidegger considers that the "now" is related to a special presentation of being. Polo's thesis about the mental presence as an articulation of time entails the overcoming of Heidegger's historicism and appears as the right way for a metaphysical study of time
  •  767
    Libertad, determinación e indeterminación en una perspectiva tomista
    Anuario Filosófico 46 (2): 387-403. 2013.
    The Thomistic account of freedom as election and freedom as love of the transcendental good, which in its perfect achievement is indefectible, introduces a new and unexpected approach in relation to contemporary debates concerning compatibilism and incompatibilism between freedom and determinism. This article develops both aspects of freedom and tries to bring new light to the problem of defining and evaluating the concepts of determination and indeterminacy.