•  20
    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo
    with Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, and Lina María Zapata Botero
    Ratio Juris 12 (24): 27-60. 2017.
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    El presente artículo está dentro de la línea de una serie de trabajos cuyo motivo principal gira en torno a la no-dualidad; en él se reúnen algunas de las reflexiones que han prosperado en diversos espacios intelectuales de oriente. Doctrinas, textos, escuelas y pensadores han ido dando cuerpo y sentido a este escrito, constituyendo un espectro muy valioso de perspectivas y variantes interpretativas.
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    La interpretación de Emmanuel Lévinas de Ideas I de Husserl
    Co-herencia 15 (29): 123-152. 2018.
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    Diálogo intercultural ¿Una utopía del siglo XXI?
    Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 71 (265): 73. 2015.
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    Corrigendum to “Reliability Assessment Methodology for Massive Manufacturing Using Multi-Function Equipment”
    with F. Kristjanpoller, P. Viveros, and R. Pascual
    Complexity 2018 1-1. 2018.
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    Complementary Resources and Capabilities for an Ethical and Environmental Management: A Qual/Quan Study
    with Enrique Claver-Cortés and José Francisco Molina-Azorín
    Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3): 701-732. 2008.
    Managers’ commitment to contribute to sustainable development holds the key to their long-term business success and may be a source of competitive advantage. The managerial perception of business ethics is influenced by the level of moral development and personal characteristics of managers. These perceptions are also shaped by forces existing in the environment of the firm, including available resources, societal expectations, sector, and regulations. The resource-based perspective can thus con…Read more
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    America Latina: saggi sull'interpretazione dell'eredità coloniale
    Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 25 (49). 2013.
    A large part of the Latin–American literature of the 19th and 20th century tried to deal with the national question intertwining different dimensions: the weight of colonial legacy, the cultural peculiarity of the nation and the inner relations between social classes and ethnic groups. Thinking the nation implied, in any case, to think the difference and the conflict with others, as well as the inner conflict and the logic of local colonialism. Analyzing some of these essays that played a centra…Read more
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    A grammar systems approach to natural language grammar
    Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (4). 2006.
    Taking as its starting point significant similarities between a formal language model—Grammar Systems—and a grammatical theory—Autolexical Syntax—in this paper we suggest the application of the former to the topic of the latter. To show the applicability of Grammar Systems Theory to grammatical description, we introduce a formal-language-theoretic framework for the architecture of natural language grammar: Linguistic Grammar Systems. We prove the adequacy of this model by highlighting its featur…Read more
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    CRISPR/Cas technology as a promising weapon to combat viral infections
    with Carmen Escalona-Noguero and Begoña Sot
    Bioessays 43 (4): 2000315. 2021.
    The versatile clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas system has emerged as a promising technology for therapy and molecular diagnosis. It is especially suited for overcoming viral infections outbreaks, since their effective control relies on an efficient treatment, but also on a fast diagnosis to prevent disease dissemination. The CRISPR toolbox offers DNA‐ and RNA‐targeting nucleases that constitute dual weapons against viruses. They allow both the manipulation o…Read more
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    La enseñanza de las confrontaciones producidas a lo largo del siglo XX, y en especial durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial sigue siendo un tema controvertido en la didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Tomando como referencia el currículo de cuarto de la ESO, y en especial el bloque décimo de la materia de Geografía e Historia, esta comunicación selecciona una serie de materiales didácticos cartográficos de indudable utilidad en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la relación entre el pasado, el…Read more
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    Los menores y adolescentes en la investigación clínica. Tensiones y aspectos éticos
    with Mirtha Sáenz Cortés and Chantal Carmen Aristizábal Tobler
    Escritos 24 (53): 345-367. 2016.
    The article analyzes three different cases of clinical research in which children are asked to participate. Participation of children in researches is one of the major challenges for Bioethics and societies nowadays due to the tensions and issues concerning the guarantee of rights in clinical research, the responsibilities of the different actors involved, and the purpose of improving the quality of life without affecting scientific freedom and new knowledge production. The aim of the article is…Read more
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    Introduction: Loss of employment is an experience that is lived and interpreted differently depending on a series of individual variables, including the psychological resources available to the affected person, as well as their perception of their degree of employability. Losing one’s job can be one of the most painful and traumatic events a person has to withstand. Following a dismissal, the worker needs to overcome a period of emotional adaptation to the loss. But that period of grieving can a…Read more
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    Fundamental Units of Length and Time
    Foundations of Physics 32 (1): 77-108. 2002.
    Ideal rods and clocks are defined as an infinitesimal symmetry of the spacetime, at least in the non-quantum case. Since no a priori geometric structure is considered, all the possible models of spacetime are obtained
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    with Santiago Alba Rico, Carolina Escalera, and Emilio Ginés Morales Cañábate
    Endoxa 1 (22): 387. 2007.
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    Le vin, la mort et les Bienheureux
    Kernos 5 209-220. 1992.
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    La généalogie grecque parmi les Celtes
    Kernos 15 297-307. 2002.
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    Hacia un encuentro Oriente-Occidente
    Endoxa 1 (12-1): 125. 2000.
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    There is an increasing demand for ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility practices by companies. This competence has to be introduced in students’ training in business degree programs, and a check must then be done to determine if the students have come to appreciate the importance of CSR commitments. Using the framework of Stakeholders Theory, this work aims to examine students’ perceptions of ethical and CSR practices and commitment to different stakeholders, as well as the factors that l…Read more
  •  17
    Participación infantil y adolescente en la Provincia de Alicante
    with Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto
    Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 17 (6): 1-14. 2023.
    El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de varias experiencias basadas en dinámicas de presupuestos participativos y dirigidas a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Esta investigación recogió datos de las principales experiencias participativas en el ámbito de la Provincia de Alicante durante el periodo 2015-2022 a través de una encuesta y de una búsqueda de documentación relacionada. Los datos provenientes de los ayuntamientos han sido tratados a través del programa MAXQDA. Entre los principales …Read more
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    Consideraciones del trazo y la línea
    with Alejandro Arros-Aravena
    Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6): 1-13. 2022.
    El trazo gestual y la línea, originarios del campo del dibujo y de las artes visuales, poseen diversas funciones, además de numerosas finalidades comunicativas. En este trabajo realizamos primero un estudio de sus principales funciones: representativa, simbólica, y expresiva. Para posteriormente, corroborar como este elemento gráfico desvela un aporte de información y contenidos determinantes en manifestaciones y disciplinas ajenas a las artes.
  • Edgar S. Brightman, Introducción a la filosofía (review)
    Philosophia (Misc.) 8 159. 1947.