•  595
    Contaminación electromagnética
    with Iván Vargas-Chaves and Ana Melisa Betancur-Quiceno
    Editorial CECAR. 2020.
  •  475
    Beyond the Altruistic Donor: Embedding Solidarity in Organ Procurement Policies
    with Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Belén Liedo, Jon Rueda, and Alberto Molina-Pérez
    Philosophies 7 (5): 107. 2022.
    Altruism and solidarity are concepts that are closely related to organ donation for transplantation. On the one hand, they are typically used for encouraging people to donate. On the other hand, they also underpin the regulations in force in each country to different extents. They are often used indistinctly and equivocally, despite the different ethical implications of each concept. This paper aims to clarify to what extent we can speak of altruism and solidarity in the predominant models of or…Read more
  •  122
    The aim of the present study was to carry out a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of the existing literature studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and risk behavior. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific evidence available relating both constructs. Particular attention was paid to identifying possible differences in this relationship as a function of the different conceptualizations of EI and the risk domain. The study was conducted followin…Read more
  •  119
    Introduction: Loss of employment is an experience that is lived and interpreted differently depending on a series of individual variables, including the psychological resources available to the affected person, as well as their perception of their degree of employability. Losing one’s job can be one of the most painful and traumatic events a person has to withstand. Following a dismissal, the worker needs to overcome a period of emotional adaptation to the loss. But that period of grieving can a…Read more
  •  83
    A grammar systems approach to natural language grammar
    Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (4). 2006.
    Taking as its starting point significant similarities between a formal language model—Grammar Systems—and a grammatical theory—Autolexical Syntax—in this paper we suggest the application of the former to the topic of the latter. To show the applicability of Grammar Systems Theory to grammatical description, we introduce a formal-language-theoretic framework for the architecture of natural language grammar: Linguistic Grammar Systems. We prove the adequacy of this model by highlighting its featur…Read more
  •  80
    Sustainable Development and Corporate Performance: A Study Based on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
    with Arminda Garcia and Lazaro Rodriguez
    Journal of Business Ethics 75 (3): 285-300. 2007.
    The goal of this paper is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practices included under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). To achieve this goal, we analyse the relation between CSR and certain accounting indicators and examine whether there exist significant differences in performance indicators between European firms that have adopted CSR and others that have not. The effects of compliance with the requirements of CSR were determined on the basis o…Read more
  •  65
    Unamuno: de la pesadilla nihilista al ensueño de totalidad
    Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (S1): 363. 1996.
    Unamuno es un apasionado de su ser. En su dialéctica que es hegeliana en el sentido de limitación-tensión, él es el protagonista y, frente a él, un mundo de sombras shakespearianas en el que se perfilan como antagonistas Dios, el mundo, el otro y todo aquello que limite, ya sea en el espacio, ya sea en el tiempo, ya sea ontológica o psicológicamente, su yo. El mundo le acucia a conocerlo para incorporarlo a sí mismo. Apasionadamente lo encuentra y desencuentra en su trascenderse vivido como trág…Read more
  •  61
    Complementary Resources and Capabilities for an Ethical and Environmental Management: A Qual/Quan Study
    with Enrique Claver-Cortés and José Francisco Molina-Azorín
    Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3): 701-732. 2008.
    Managers’ commitment to contribute to sustainable development holds the key to their long-term business success and may be a source of competitive advantage. The managerial perception of business ethics is influenced by the level of moral development and personal characteristics of managers. These perceptions are also shaped by forces existing in the environment of the firm, including available resources, societal expectations, sector, and regulations. The resource-based perspective can thus con…Read more
  •  53
    Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model
    with Janet Delgado, Sabine Wöhlke, Jorge Suárez, David Rodríguez-Arias, Gurch Randhawa, Nadia Primc, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Alberto Molina-Pérez, and Leah McLaughlin
    BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1): 1-14. 2023.
    The organ donation and transplantation (ODT) system heavily relies on the willingness of individuals to donate their organs. While it is widely believed that public trust plays a crucial role in shaping donation rates, the empirical support for this assumption remains limited. In order to bridge this knowledge gap, this article takes a foundational approach by elucidating the concept of trust within the context of ODT. By examining the stakeholders involved, identifying influential factors, and …Read more
  •  49
    Los Derechos de la Infancia y El Papel de Las Familias En Su Protección: Perspectiva Ética y Jurídica
    with Olaya Fernández Guerrero, Remedios Álvarez Terán, Noelia Barbed Castrejón, and Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas
    Childhood and Philosophy 19 01-24. 2023.
    Los derechos de la infancia son de formulación reciente, y hasta el siglo XX no surgen los primeros intentos de reconocerlos y regularlos. Además de revisar los textos jurídicos que formulan y protegen esos derechos a nivel mundial, este estudio promueve una lectura filosófica de los derechos de la infancia y del papel de las familias con respecto a esos derechos. La ética del cuidado proporciona un marco de reflexión muy oportuno para plantear la responsabilidad ética que las familias, y la soc…Read more
  •  47
    Administración del cambio en las organizaciones
    with Angela María Lanzas Duque and Victoria Eugenia Lanzas Duque
    Scientia. forthcoming.
  •  44
    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model
    with Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke, and Janet Delgado
    BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1): 1-2. 2024.
  •  43
    En el pensamiento de H. Arendt, las lecturas sobre el totalitarismo de The Origins of Totalitarianism, pueden ser leídas en paralelo a sus lecturas sobre la sociedad de masas, de la labor y el consumo en The Human Condition. Nos interesa mostrar en este artículo que se trata de lecturas convergentes, que se encuentran ligadas en la evolución del pensamiento de la autora y conservan algunas notas temáticas comunes como la preocupación por: el aislamiento, la soledad, el desarraigo y el proyecto d…Read more
  •  43
    Attentional orienting and awareness: Evidence from a discrimination task
    with Ana B. Chica, Paolo Bartolomeo, and Juan Lupiáñez
    Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3): 745-755. 2011.
    We used several cue–target SOAs and three different degrees of cue predictability , to investigate the role of awareness of cue–target predictability on cueing effects. A group of participants received instructions about the informative value of the cue, while another group did not receive such instructions. Participants were able to extract the predictive value of a spatially peripheral cue and use it to orient attention, whether or not specific instructions about the predictive value of the cu…Read more
  •  41
    Public Perception of Organ Donation and Transplantation Policies in Southern Spain
    with Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Maite Cruz-Piqueras, Janet Delgado, Joaquín Hortal-Carmona, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Álvaro Padilla-Pozo, Julia Ranchal-Romero, and David Rodríguez-Arias
    Transplantation Proceedings 54 (3): 567-574. 2022.
    Background: This research explores how public awareness and attitudes toward donation and transplantation policies may contribute to Spain's success in cadaveric organ donation. Materials and Methods: A representative sample of 813 people residing in Andalusia (Southern Spain) were surveyed by telephone or via Internet between October and December 2018. Results: Most participants trust Spain's donation and transplantation system (93%) and wish to donate their organs after death (76%). Among do…Read more
  •  39
    Le vin, la mort et les Bienheureux
    Kernos 5 209-220. 1992.
  •  35
    How market value relates to corporate philanthropy and its assurance. The moderating effect of the business sector
    with Lourdes Arco-Castro, Maria Carmen Pérez-López, and Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza
    Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2): 266-281. 2020.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
  •  35
    [EN]In recent decades, problems related to the accessibility and sustainability of science have increased, both in terms of the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and its generation. Policymakers, academics, and, increasingly, citizens themselves have developed various approaches to this issue. Among them, citizen science is distinguished by making possible the generation of scientific knowledge by anyone with an interest in doing so. However, participation alone does not guarantee knowl…Read more
  •  31
    Los seres humanos en la transformacion organizacional
    with Luz Stella Restrepo de Ocampo and Sandra Estrada Mejía
    Scientia. forthcoming.
  •  30
    Los menores y adolescentes en la investigación clínica. Tensiones y aspectos éticos
    with Mirtha Sáenz Cortés and Chantal Carmen Aristizábal Tobler
    Escritos 24 (53): 345-367. 2016.
    The article analyzes three different cases of clinical research in which children are asked to participate. Participation of children in researches is one of the major challenges for Bioethics and societies nowadays due to the tensions and issues concerning the guarantee of rights in clinical research, the responsibilities of the different actors involved, and the purpose of improving the quality of life without affecting scientific freedom and new knowledge production. The aim of the article is…Read more
  •  27
    with Santiago Alba Rico, Carolina Escalera, and Emilio Ginés Morales Cañábate
    Endoxa 1 (22): 387. 2007.
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    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo
    with Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, and Lina María Zapata Botero
    Ratio Juris 12 (24): 27-60. 2017.
  •  26
    Estrategia organizacional orientada al logro de resultados desde el trabajo en equipo
    with Juan Carlos Castaño Benjumea and Angela María Lanzas Duque
    Scientia. forthcoming.
  •  25
    Participación infantil y adolescente en la Provincia de Alicante
    with Gonzalo Pardo Beneyto
    Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 17 (6): 1-14. 2023.
    El presente artículo se centra en el estudio de varias experiencias basadas en dinámicas de presupuestos participativos y dirigidas a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Esta investigación recogió datos de las principales experiencias participativas en el ámbito de la Provincia de Alicante durante el periodo 2015-2022 a través de una encuesta y de una búsqueda de documentación relacionada. Los datos provenientes de los ayuntamientos han sido tratados a través del programa MAXQDA. Entre los principales …Read more
  •  24
    Luego de señalar algunos momentos específicos en la obra de Arendt, en los que la cuestión de la sentimentalidad aparece, sobre todo de manera crítica, nos centraremos en un aspecto específico de esta, de especial interés para nosotros: el lugar de la indignación a la hora de narrar, contar, construir la historia de una comunidad y a la hora de abrir e instaurar el espacio público, caracterizado por Arendt como el espacio de aparición más elemental, donde los otros aparecen ante mí y yo aparezco…Read more