• Practical realism about the self
    In Luis R. G. Oliveira & Kevin Corcoran (eds.), Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker, Routledge. 2020.
  •  137
    The Philosophical Landscape on Attention
    In The Attending Mind, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
    Attention has a long history in philosophy, despite its near absence in the twentieth century. This chapter provides an overview of philosophical research on attention. It begins by explaining the concept of "selection from limitation," contrasting it with the more recent "selection for action." It reviews historical texts that discuss attention, focusing on those in the Western canon whose understanding of "attention" aligns with contemporary usage. It then describes the differential treatment …Read more
  • Attention
    In Benjamin D. Young & Carolyn Dicey Jennings (eds.), Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience: A Philosophical Introduction, Routledge. 2021.
    The main questions in philosophical research on attention concern its nature and impact. Regarding its nature, one might ask what sort of thing attention is; regarding its impact, one might ask what sort of thing attention does. While these questions have been asked by philosophers for thousands of years, they have had a resurgence in recent years due to advancements in the cognitive and neural sciences. This chapter will cover some historical context as prelude to a discussion of the contempora…Read more
  • Advances in machine learning hold promise for corpus analysis: they have the potential to allow for more efficient and less biased analyses of text. This would be a boon for qualitative research, such as the survey research conducted by Academic Philosophy Data and Analysis. In this paper we examine the utility of automated machine learning for select survey questions, with a focus on LDA and VADER. We thus compare human and machine coding on the question of whether underrepresented philosophers…Read more
  •  7
    Attention and the Mind
    with Pino Cao
    Bobcat Comics. 2022.
  • As many have said before, consciousness is not a thing. They retort: it is a process, a function, a seeming. I argue, instead, that it is a relation—a relation between a subject and their world. This new metaphysics of consciousness provides a way forward on the problem of consciousness and resolves old puzzles: the non-localizability issues of consciousness, for example, are also true of relations. What follows is reasoning aimed at upending what I take to be a deep misconception, with the hope…Read more
  • As discussions concerning attention progress from cognition to norms—from the individual to the social—we are left with the question: what is “social” attention? It is typically discussed in scientific papers as attention by an individual in a social setting. This book expands on earlier work to explore something more fundamentally social: attention by a social group, which I will call “collective attention.” (Contact for draft of Chapter 2: The Power of Attention.)
  •  122
    Contextual Emergence (review)
    Mind and Matter 21 (1). 2023.
    Contextual emergence is a relatively simple but disruptive concept. It undermines the claim that emergence is necessarily a form of supervenience, often repeated by philosophers. It bucks the “false forced choice” between weak and strong emergence. It is scientifically grounded but challenges the prevailing reductive worldview in science. It has much to recommend a detailed philosophical treatment, such as this one. This book is thus a welcome treatise on a timely topic.
  •  37
    Dynamic Attentional Mechanisms of Creative Cognition
    with Shadab Tabatabaeian
    Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4. 2023.
    In popular imagination creativity requires us to surrender control. Yet, attention is at the heart of control, and many studies show attention to play a key role in the creative process. This is partly due to the selective nature of attention—creative cognition consists of two phases, idea generation and idea evaluation, and selective processes are essential for both phases. Here, we investigate attentional (i.e., selective) mechanisms underlying each phase, using the framework of two major atte…Read more
  •  50
    Networks in philosophy: Social networks and employment in academic philosophy
    with P. Contreras Kallens and Daniel J. Hicks
    Metaphilosophy 53 (5): 653-684. 2022.
    In recent years, the "science of science" has combined computational methods with novel data sources in order to understand the dynamics of research communities. As the name suggests, science of science is primarily focused on science and technology, with less attention to the humanities. However, many of the questions investigated by science of science are also relevant to academic philosophy: To what extent can the discipline be divided into subfields with different methods and topics? How are…Read more
  •  25
    Distinctly Entangled (review)
    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2022.
    Pessoa envisions an approach to neuroscience that treats the brain as an “interactionally complex system”: a system that cannot be understood through analysis and manipulation of its parts. I provide reason to support Pessoa's overall approach while putting pressure on some of the specific claims.
  •  90
    Attention and Mental Control
    Cambridge University Press. 2022.
    Mental control refers to the ability we have to control our own minds. Its primary expression—attention—has become a popular topic for philosophers in the past few decades, generating the need for a primer on the concept. It is related to self-control, which typically refers to the maintenance of preferred behavior in the face of temptation. While a distinct concept, criticisms of self-control can also be applied to mental control, such as that it implies the existence of an unscientific homuncu…Read more
  •  406
    Consciousness and Mind
    In Marcus Rossberg (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Analytic Philosophy, Cambridge University Press. forthcoming.
    Some of the oldest and deepest questions in philosophy fall under the umbrella of consciousness and mind: What is the mind and how is it related to the body? What provides our thoughts with content? How is consciousness related to the natural world? Do we have distinctive causal powers? Analytic philosophers have made significant progress on these and related problems in the last century. Given the high volume of work on such topics, this chapter is necessarily selective. It offers major touchst…Read more
  •  1206
    Doctoral graduates in philosophy are an excellent source of information about the discipline: they are at the cutting edge of research trends, have an inside view of researchfocused departments, and their employment prospects provide early insights on the future health of the discipline. We report on the results of a survey sent to recent PhD graduates and current students, as well as data gathering efforts by Academic Placement Data and Analysis that have taken place over the past ten years. In…Read more
  •  101
    How diverse is philosophy? In this paper we explore recent data on the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of philosophy students and faculty in the United States. We have found that women are underrepresented in philosophy at all levels from first-year intention to major through senior faculty. The past four years have seen an increase in the percentage of women philosophy majors at the undergraduate level, but it remains to be seen if this recent increase in the percentage of women will event…Read more
  •  504
    Attention, Technology, and Creativity
    with Shadab Tabatabaeian
    In D. Graham Burnett & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.), Scenes of Attention: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Columbia University Press. 2023.
    An important topic in the ethics of technology is the extent to which recent digital technologies undermine user autonomy. Supporting evidence includes the fact that recent digital technologies are known to have an impact on attention, which balances "bottom-up" and "top-down" influences on cognition. As described in numerous papers, these technologies manipulate bottom-up influences through cognitive fluency, intermittent variable rewards, and other techniques, making them more attractive to th…Read more
  •  80
    Attention in Skilled Behavior: An Argument for Pluralism
    with Alex Dayer
    Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (3): 615-638. 2021.
    Peak human performance—whether of Olympic athletes, Nobel prize winners, or you cooking the best dish you’ve ever made—depends on skill. Skill is at the heart of what it means to excel. Yet, the fixity of skilled behavior can sometimes make it seem a lower-level activity, more akin to the movements of an invertebrate or a machine. Peak performance in elite athletes is often described, for example, as “automatic” by those athletes: “The most frequent response from participants when describing the…Read more
  •  22
    Correction to: Attention in Skilled Behavior: an Argument for Pluralism
    with Alex Dayer
    Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (3): 639-639. 2021.
    A Correction to this paper has been published: 10.1007/13164.1878-5166.
  •  169
    The chapter provides an overview of the structure and content of the textbook to help situate the reader. It begins by introducing this unique collaborative project, including a general introduction to the fields of philosophy, cognitive science, and neuroscience. It then segues into explaining the structural features of each chapter that provide uniformity across the textbook. The chapter concludes with an overview of the content provided in the textbook. Through a survey of the major themes an…Read more
  •  643
    Too much attention, too little self (review)
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (2): 475-480. 2020.
    This is a good time for such a substantial book on Buddhaghosa. His ideas may be more difficult to digest than those of contemporary authors, but Ganeri convincingly argues for their relevance. Together with Ganeri’s considerable interpretive and philosophical work, Buddhaghosa’s view helps to fill out a perspective that is popular in cognitive science, in which the self is replaced by systems. In this case, the self is replaced by systems of attention, a view that Ganeri calls ‘Attentionalism.’…Read more
  •  371
    This carefully designed, multi-authored textbook covers a broad range of theoretical issues in cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience. With accessible language, a uniform structure, and many pedagogical features, Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience: A Philosophical Introduction is the best high-level overview of this area for an interdisciplinary readership of students. Written specifically for this volume by experts in their fields who are also experienced teachers, the book’s thirty cha…Read more
  •  1316
    Practical Realism about the Self
    In Luis R. G. Oliveira & Kevin Corcoran (eds.), Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker, Routledge. 2020.
    In Explaining Attitudes, Baker argues that we should treat our everyday practices as relevant to metaphysical debates, resulting in a stance of realism with respect to intentional explanations. In this chapter I will argue that if one is going to be a practical realist about anything, it should be the self, or subject of attention. I will use research on attention combined with the stance of practical realism to argue in favor of a substantive self. That is, I will present an account of the self…Read more
  •  1424
    The Diversity and Inclusivity Survey: Final Report
    with Regino Fronda, M. A. Hunter, Zoe Johnson King, Aubrey Spivey, and Sharai Wilson
    APA Grants. 2019.
    In 2018 Academic Placement Data and Analysis ran a survey of doctoral students and recent graduates on the topics of diversity and inclusivity in collaboration with the Graduate Student Council and Data Task Force of the American Philosophical Association. We submitted a preliminary report in Fall 2018 that describes the origins and procedure of the survey [1]. This is our final report on the survey. We first discuss the demographic profile of our survey participants and compare it to the United…Read more
  •  254
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2016 Final Report
    with Patrice Cobb, Bryan Kerster, Chelsea Gordon, Angelo Kyrilov, Evette Montes, Sam Spevack, David W. Vinson, and Justin Vlasits
    APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects. 2016.
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA), a project funded by the American Philosophical Association (APA) and headed by Carolyn Dicey Jennings (UC Merced), aims “to make information on academic job placement useful to prospective graduate students in philosophy.” The project has just been updated to include new data, which Professor Jennings describes in a post at New APPS. She also announces a new interactive data tool with which one can sift through and sort information. (from Daily Nous)
  •  47
    Academic Placement Data and Analysis: 2015 Final Report
    with Angelo Kyrilov, Patrice Cobb, Evette Montes, Cruz Franco, Justin Vlasits, and David W. Vinson
    APA Grant Funds: Previously Funded Projects. 2015.
    The first research report of the APDA project. Findings include that "gender is a significant predictor of type of placement (i.e. permanent versus temporary). The intercept tells us that the odds for male participants to have a permanent academic placement within the first two years after graduation are statistically significant at .37, p < 0.001 when year of graduation is held constant. The odds for female participants to have a permanent academic placement are 1.85, p < 0.001 when graduation …Read more
  •  148
    The Attending Mind
    Cambridge University Press. 2020.
    Attention is essential to the life of the mind, a central topic in cognitive science, neuroscience, and psychology. Traditional debates in philosophy stand to benefit from greater understanding of the phenomenon, whether on the nature of the self, the foundation of knowledge, the natural basis of consciousness, or the origins of action and responsibility. This book is at the crossroads of philosophy of mind and cognitive science, offering a new theoretical stance on the concept of attention and …Read more
  •  69
    Re-thinking the active-passive distinction in attention from a philosophical viewpoint
    with Takeo Watanabe
    Journal of Vision 10 (218). 2010.
    Whether active and passive, top-down and bottom-up, or endogenous and exogenous, attention is typically divided into two types. To show the relationship between attention and other functions (sleep, memory, learning), one needs to show whether the type of attention in question is of the active or passive variety. However, the division between active and passive is not sharp in any area of consciousness research. In phenomenology, the experience of voluntariness is taken to indicate activity, but…Read more
  •  42
    Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (edited book)
    with D. C. Noelle, R. Dale, A. S. Warlaumont, J. Yoshimi, T. Matlock, and P. P. Maglio
    Cognitive Science Society. 2015.
  •  2169
    Toward a neurophysiological foundation for altered states of consciousness
    with Shadab Tabatabaeian
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41. 2018.
    Singh's cultural evolutionary theory posits that methods of inducing shamanic altered states of consciousness differ, resulting in profoundly different cognitive states. We argue that, despite different methods of induction, altered states of consciousness share neurophysiological features and cause shared cognitive and behavioral effects. This common foundation enables further cross-cultural comparison of shamanic activities that is currently left out of Singh's theory.
  •  107
    You have thoughts, feelings and desires. You remember your past and imagine your future. Sometimes you make a special effort, other times you are content to simply relax. All of these things are true about you. But do you exist? Is your sense of self an illusion, or is there something in the world that we can point to and say: ‘Ah, yes – that is you’? If you are familiar with the contemporary science of mind, you will know that the concept of a substantive self, separate from the mere experience…Read more