•  81
    This paper is about the question: what is it for a mental state to mean (or present) something as an intentional object? This issue is addressed from a broad perspective, against the background of Brentano’s philosophical programme in Psychology from an empirical standpoint, and the controversy between the proponents of a non-canonical interpretation of Brentano’s theory of intentionality, and the so-called orthodox interpretation advocated namely by R. Chisholm. My investigation is divided into…Read more
  •  13
    Entry on the influence of Stumpf et Brentano on Husserl's early phenomenology during the Halle period.
  • In this study, I propose to examine Marty's reconstruction of the general framework in which Brentano develops his theory of consciousness. My starting point is the formulation, at the very beginning of the second chapter of the second book of Brentano's Psychology, of two theses on mental phenomena, which constitute the basis of Brentano's theory of primary and secondary objects. In the second part, I examine the objection of infinite regress raised against Brentano's theory of primary and seco…Read more
  •  24
    In this study, I propose to examine Marty's reconstruction of the general framework in which Brentano develops his theory of consciousness. My starting point is the formulation, at the very beginning of the second chapter of the second book of Brentano's Psychology, of two theses on mental phenomena, which constitute the basis of Brentano's theory of primary and secondary objects. In the second part, I examine the objection of infinite regress raised against Brentano's theory of primary and seco…Read more
  • Mon objectif dans cette étude est de revoir ses textes principaux sur la conscience dans la perspective des deux thèses qu'il formule sur la conscience au tout début du deuxième chapitre du deuxième livre de sa Psychologie. Dans les trois premières sections de cette étude, je propose une analyse de ces deux thèses en accordant une attention particulière à la relation que Brentano établit entre la conscience et l'intentionnalité. J'examinerai ensuite sa théorie des objets primaires et des objets…Read more
  •  1
    Mon objectif dans cette étude est de revoir ses textes principaux sur la conscience dans la perspective des deux thèses qu'il formule sur la conscience au tout début du deuxième chapitre du deuxième livre de sa Psychologie. Dans les trois premières sections de cette étude, je propose une analyse de ces deux thèses en accordant une attention particulière à la relation que Brentano établit entre la conscience et l'intentionnalité. J'examinerai ensuite sa théorie des objets primaires et des objets…Read more
  •  3
    Carl Stumpf Lecteur de Husserl 1
    Phainomenon 34 (1): 3-36. 2022.
    This paper focuses on Carl Stumpf’s evaluation of Husserl’s phenomenology in his Logical Investigations and in the first book of Ideas. I first examine Stumpf’s reception of the phenomenology of the Logical Investigations. I then turn to §§ 85-86 of Ideas, in which Husserl seeks to distinguish his “pure” phenomenology from Stumpf’s phenomenology. In the third part, I examine Stumpf’s critique of the new version of phenomenology that Husserl develops in his Ideas in §13 of Erkenntnislehre, and, i…Read more
  •  1
    Duas teses de Franz Brentano Sobre a consciência
    Phainomenon 23 (1): 9-30. 2011.
    In this paper, I propose a reassessment of Brentano’s most important writings on consciousness. My starting point is the formulation of two theses on consciousness that Brentano expresses at the very beginning of the second chapter of the second book of his Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, which constitute the foundation of his theory of primary and secondary objects. My working hypothesis rests on the principle of the unity of consciousness, which is the key to most problems generally a…Read more
  •  13
    The purpose of this study is to assess Husserl’s debt to Lotze’s philosophy during the Halle period. I first track the sources of Husserl’s knowledge of Lotze’s philosophy during his studies with Brentano in Vienna and then with Stumpf in Halle. I then briefly comment on Husserl’s references to Lotze in his early work and research manuscripts for the second volume of his Philosophy of Arithmetic. In the third section, I examine Lotze’s influence on Husserl’s anti-psychologistic turn in the mid-1…Read more
  •  492
    Brentano and J. Stuart Mill on Phenomenalism and Mental Monism
    In Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Friedrich Stadler (eds.), Franz Brentano and Austrian Philosophy, Springer. pp. 251-267. 2020.
    This study is about Brentano’s criticism of a version of phenomenalism that he calls “mental monism” and which he attributes to positivist philosophers such as Ernst Mach and John Stuart Mill. I am interested in Brentano’s criticism of Mill’s version of mental monism based on the idea of “permanent possibilities of sensation.” Brentano claims that this form of monism is characterized by the identification of the class of physical phenomena with that of mental phenomena, and it commits itself to …Read more
  •  511
    This paper is about the question: what is it for a mental state to mean (or present) something as an intentional object? This issue is addressed from a broad perspective, against the background of Brentano’s philosophical programme in Psychology from an empirical standpoint, and the controversy between the proponents of a non-canonical interpretation of Brentano’s theory of intentionality, and the so-called orthodox interpretation advocated namely by R. Chisholm. My investigation is divided into…Read more
  •  52
    Themes from Brentano (edited book)
    Editions Rodopi. 2013.
    Franz Brentano’s impact on the philosophy of his time and on 20th-century philosophy is considerable. The “sharp dialectician” (Freud) and “genial master” (Husserl) influenced philosophers of various allegiances, being acknowledged not only as the “grandfather of phenomenology” (Ryle) but also as an analytic philosopher “in the best sense of this term” (Chisholm). The fourteen new essays gathered together in this volume give an insight in three core issues of Brentano’s philosophy: consciousness…Read more
  •  13
    Auguste Comte et la philosophie positive (Brentano)
    Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 35 255. 2014.
    L’article de Brentano « Auguste Comte et la philosophie positive » est une introduction à la philosophie de Comte. Brentano présente la distinction comtienne entre pensée théologique, métaphysique et positive. Il discute la compatibilité de la pensée positive avec certains principes fondamentaux du christianisme et de l’aristotélisme, qui sont les références majeures de Brentano lors de la rédaction de ce texte. Cet article révèle que de nombreux thèmes importants de la philosophie de Brentan...
  •  840
    This study is about an aspect of the reception of Herbatianism in Austria which has not been thoroughly investigated so far. It pertains to a controversy opposing Robert Zimmermann and Franz Brentano in the context of discussions which took place in the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna. This study looks more specifically at three important episodes involving the Philosophical Society, first, the controversy over Herbartianism, second that over the evaluation of Schelling’s philo…Read more
  •  1586
    Emotions and Moods in Husserl’s Phenomenology
    In Hanne Jacobs (ed.), The Husserlian Mind, Routledge. pp. 220-231. 2021.
    In this study, I will first introduce Husserl’s analysis in Studien zur Struktur des Bewußtseins by emphasizing the reasons that motivate these analyses on descriptive psychology and their status in Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology in the late Freiburg period. I will then focus on the structure of acts, with particular emphasis on three aspects stressed by Husserl in Studien: intentionality, the taxonomy of acts, and Brentano’s principle of the Vorstellungsgrundlage. The last three parts o…Read more
  •  12
    The book discusses Franz Brentano’s impact on Austrian philosophy. It contains both a critical reassessment of Brentano’s place in the development of Austrian philosophy at the turn of the 20th century and a reevaluation of the impact and significance of his philosophy of mind or ‘descriptive psychology’ which was Brentano's most important contribution to contemporary philosophy and to the philosophy in Vienna. In addition, the relation between Brentano, phenomenology, and the Vienna Circle is i…Read more
  •  438
    Franz Brentano in Vienna
    In Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Friedrich Stadler (eds.), Franz Brentano and Austrian Philosophy, Springer. pp. 3-21. 2020.
    This paper is the general introduction to a collection of essays entitled Franz Brentano and Austrian Philosophy (forthcoming). In this substantial introduction, I comment several aspects of the recent reception of Brentano’s philosophical programme in contemporary philosophy, and the actual debates on topics such as emotions, values, and intentionality, for example. It is divided in four parts corresponding to the four sections of the book. The first three sections contain 11 original contribut…Read more
  •  25
    This volume brings together contributions that explore the philosophy of Franz Brentano. It looks at his work both critically and in the context of contemporary philosophy. For instance, Brentano influenced the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, the theory of objects of Alexius Meinong, the early development of the Gestalt theory, the philosophy of language of Anton Marty, the works of Carl Stumpf in the psychology of tone, and many others. Readers will also learn the contributions of Brentano's w…Read more
  • This paper is mainly about Brentano’s commentaries on Ernst Mach in his lectures “Contemporary philosophical questions” which he held one year before he left Austria. I will first identify the main sources of Brentano’s early interests in positivism during his Würzburg period. The second section provides a short overview of Brentano’s 1893– 1894 lectures and his criticism of Comte, Kirchhoff, and Mill. The next sections bear on Brentano’s criticism of Mach’s monism and Brentano’s argument again…Read more