33Naming the Principles in Democritus: An Epistemological ProblemApeiron 50 (4): 435-448. 2017.Name der Zeitschrift: Apeiron Jahrgang: 50 Heft: 4 Seiten: 435-448.
18Conflicts of Atomisms. Some Major Differences between Democritus and ColotesElenchos 37 (1-2): 147-180. 2016.The paper compares the thought of Democritus and that of Colotes. It is argued that the two thinkers diverge at least in three noteworthy respects: 1) they disagree about the nature of knowledge, for Democritus identifies it with a process which goes from raw (and untrustworthy) sensation to intellectual understanding, whereas Colotes affirms the truth of every sensation and its fundamental role in the use of reason; 2) they have contrary opinions on the practice of “pleasing”, since the former …Read more
17Stronger RealityPhilologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 158 (2): 306-319. 2014.
12La «salvezza» dagli dèi inattivi? Epicuro sulla s?t???a divinaRivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1 1-23. 2021.
1215. Democritus’ Doctrine of Eidola in the Herculaneum Papyri: A Reassessment of the SourcesIn Christian Vassallo (ed.), Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier, De Gruyter. pp. 437-472. 2019.
12Ennius ‘the hybrid’ - (c.) Damon, (j.) Farrell (edd.) Ennius’ annals. Poetry and history. Pp. XIV + 351. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2020. Cased, £90, us$120. Isbn: 978-1-108-48172-4 (review)The Classical Review 71 (1): 90-92. 2021.
11Amicus Lucretius: Gassendi, il de Rerum natura e l'edonismo cristianoDe Gruyter. 2022.The book provides the first systematic reconstruction of the reception of Lucretius' theological and ethical verses in the work of the early modern philosopher Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655). It argues that the latter was the first to quote and dis.
10Horror in LucretiusPhilosophie Antique 22 39-63. 2022.Lucrèce débute son livre III du poème De rerum natura par l’éloge des enseignements d’Épicure - qui effacent la peur de la mort, des fantômes et des dieux - et la description des sentiments suscités par les principes épicuriens. Il écrit, dans les vers 28-30, qu’il ressent à la fois une volupté divine (divina voluptas), allusion probable au plaisir catastématique qui permet d’approcher la quiétude de la divinité, et l’horreur (horror). La formule est énigmatique, voire même contradictoire. En ef…Read more
10In search of an epicurean catharsisPhilosophie Antique 19 117-150. 2019.De nombreuses recherches ont mis en évidence le fait que les épicuriens n’étaient pas complètement hostiles à la poésie en général mais qu’ils refusaient probablement les compositions ou procédures poétiques qui ne conduisent pas à la fin naturelle du plaisir « catastématique », c’est-à-dire le bonheur. Dans cet article, nous nous demanderons donc si les épicuriens ont inventé une poésie cathartique de type positif ou s’ils ont simplement rejeté toutes les formes de catharsis poétique en les déc…Read more
9Who breathes and smells according to Empedocles? On the πάντα of fr. 96. 1 GallavottiArchai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 23 135-166. 2018.
9Who breathes and smells according to Empedocles? On the πάντα of fr. 96. 1 GallavottiArchai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 23 135-166. 2018.
8Immortalities in ancient thought - (A.G.) Long (ed.) Immortality in ancient philosophy. Pp. VIII + 227. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2021. Cased, £75, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-108-83228-1 (review)The Classical Review 72 (2): 689-692. 2022.
7Corpo divino e musicale La negazione ‘estetica' dell'anima tra IV e I secolo a. CSocietà Degli Individui 57 123-136. 2017.
6Daniel Delattre (éd.), Philodème de Gadara, Sur la mort, livre IVPhilosophie Antique 23. 2023.Philodemus’ book 4 of the De morte (PHerc. 1050) is today available in many critical editions. The present one, which has been published by Daniel Delattre (from now on DD), supersedes in many respects the work that Benjamin Henry completed some 14 years ago (Philodemus: On Death, Atlanta, 2009). The beginning of this edition dates back to 2010. That year, DD published with Jackie Pigeaud a French translation and commentary of the last columns of the De morte in the volume Les Épicuriens. (Pa...
5Who breathes and smells according to Empedocles? On the πάντα of fr. 96. 1 GallavottiArchai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 23 135-166. 2018.
4Storia delle antiche teologie atomisteSapienza Università Editrice. 2017.Il presente studio indaga lo sviluppo della dottrina teologica degli Atomisti antichi, secondo cui gli dèi esistono, ma non si occupano in tutto o in parte di noi umani. Ritenuta per lungo tempo espressione di ateismo, essa è presentata qui come una teoria filosofica solida ed eticamente rilevante, perché offre una concezione positiva della natura divina. Il volume compie un’indagine sistematica dei testi teologici degli Atomisti, partendo dai frammenti di Democrito e di Epicuro, fino agli scrit…Read more
2Veglie a Confronto Il Significato di "Essere Svegli" in Eraclito e DemocritoMéthexis 27 (1): 175-195. 2014.The paper compares Heraclitus’ and Democritus’ opinions on the notion of wakefulness. Its aim is threefold. First of all, it aims to demonstrate that the fragments of both philosophers distinguish between two kinds of wakefulness: physical wakefulness, i.e. the bodily state which all men are in when they are not asleep, and "intellectual" waking, conceived as a form of superior rational consciousness which human bings do not normally possess. The second aim of the paper is to prove that Heraclit…Read more