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    Understanding Contemporary Societal Challenges with Philosophy of Trust
    with Arman Teymouri Niknam
    SATS 25 (1): 1-9. 2024.
    We argue that philosophy of trust can be employed to counter the paralysis of action ensuing out of the experience of polycrisis in the current state of international social life. Philosophy of trust can recognize the impact of the polycrisis on contemporary societies all the while that an analysis of trust inevitably takes the concrete life world experiences of humans as a central part of the analysis. Using the philosophy of trust as an analytic tool involves digging into relations of trust an…Read more
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    The ongoing Post Office scandal in the UK and the 2021 Child Daycare Benefit Scandal in the Netherlands make up exemplary cases of how digital automation has changed and in fact severely harmed trust relations ranging from trust in oneself over trust in social roles, trust in institutions, trust in technology and general trust. By looking closer at how digital automation in these cases generated ruptures in the lives of ordinary citizens and also affected the involved institutions and society at…Read more
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    Critical Idealism as Method: Ernst Cassirer and the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
    European Journal of Philosophy 31 (4): 1105-1114. 2023.
    To commemorate the centenary of Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms this essay focuses on how Cassirer in the development of a distinctive philosophical method analyzed the newest development within philosophy and science. Discussing Einstein's theory of relativity and Russell's formal logic Cassirer found tools to expand the critique of reason into a critique of culture. The course of argumentation is as follows. At the outset Cassirer's outline of the idea of The Philosophy of Symbol…Read more
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    Anthropology & philosophy: dialogues on trust and hope (edited book)
    with Sune Liisberg and Anne Line Dalsgard
    Berghahn Books. 2015.
    Anthropologists and philosophers initiate a dialogue on trust and hope. The book combines work between scholars from different universities in the U.S. and Denmark and cuts across differences in national contexts and academic style.
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    Invitation to submit abstracts to the new special issue PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES ON TRUST AND DISTRUST IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETIES to be published by Sats. Northern European Journal of Philosophy in spring 2024
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    Our world is under going an enormous digital transformation. Nearly no area of our social, informational, political, economic, cultural, and biological spheres are left unchanged. What can philosophy contribute as we try to under- stand and think through these changes? How does digitization challenge past ideas of who we are and where we are headed? Where does it leave our ethical aspirations and cherished ideals of democracy, equality, privacy, trust, freedom, and social embeddedness? Who gets …Read more
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    A Two-Level Theory of Trust
    Balkan Journal of Philosophy 2 (1): 47-56. 2010.
    The chief aim of the paper is to argue for a two-level theory of trust consisting of basic and intentional trust. The paper sets out by comparing the concepts of trust and justice to highlight the double meaning of trust as a descriptive social phenomenon and an evaluative normative term. It is subsequently argued that the conceptions of trust known from political science and recent philosophical debates of trust do not capture this double meaning of trust as the former focuses on trust as a soc…Read more
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    The article follows Kant’s different views on aesthetics ranging from the pre-critical period to the Critique of the Power of Judgement. It argues that John Zammito’s psychological explanation of why Kant in the third Critique developed an argument for the transcendental justification of judgements of taste is unconvincing. As an alternative, the article shows how Kant in his published pre-critical discussions of aesthetics was relying upon empiricist sources while he in private comments turned …Read more
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  • Mennesket - En Introduktion Til Filosofisk Antropologi (edited book)
    with A.-M. S. Christensen
    Systime. 2012.
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    Synthese 179 (1): 1-5. 2011.