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    Melegitimasi Upaya Perekayasaan Planet Melalui Perspektif Biosentrisme-fungsional
    Cogito: Jurnal Mahasiswa Filsafat 5 (1): 37-55. 2018.
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melegitimasi upaya terraforming atau perekayasaan planet, oleh sebab selama ini, proyek dan upaya perealisasian terraforming selalu terbentur dengan permasalahan moral dalam wacana environmentalis. Penelitian ini bertitik tolak pada: pertama, desakan kebutuhan manusia mencari planet layak huni untuk ditinggali. Kedua, hadirnya konflik yang diprakarsai oleh para environmentalis, sehingga menyebabkan penolakan dan pertentangan terhadap terraforming dan upaya perealis…Read more
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    Death and Grief in Indonesian Culture During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    with Puri Swastika Gusti Krisna Dewi and Imanuel Eko Anggun Sugiyono
    Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities 11. 2024.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges to societies worldwide, imposing unprecedented restrictions on the way people grieve and commemorate their departed loved ones. In the context of Indonesia, a country renowned for its rich and expressive cultural and religious mourning practices, these restrictions have profound implications. This study explores the intricate relationship between death, grief, and the limitations imposed by pandemic-related protocols within Indonesian re…Read more
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    Eksplorasi Pengaruh e-WOM Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Konsumen Richeese Factory)
    with Puri Swastika Gusti Krisna Dewi, Andreas Bramantyo, Ronald Tehupuring, Yohana Deo Utami Silaban, Utari Srilestari, Yulia Krismael Lembu, and Akhmad Fauzan
    Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen 2 (1): 43-57. 2024.
    This research aims to explore the influence of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on purchasing decisions using a case study of Richeese Factory consumers. The research uses a qualitative approach to uncover the factors that contribute to and strengthen consumer attitudes toward related products. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, this research aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of how e-WOM influences consumer perceptions and shapes the purchasing decision process. The results of t…Read more