•  2
    This paper offers an interpretation of Wittgenstein’s remarks that discusses the meaning of being in practical agreement with a rule, arguing that Brandom misconstrues the idea undergirding Wittgenstein’s remarks in terms of the relation between the pragmatic and normative aspects of language. First, I discuss Brandom’s idea of normative pragmatism and Wittgenstein’s remarks on rule-following in the Philosophical Investigations. I argue that Brandom enforces the picture of implicit rules as a sa…Read more
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    In this chapter I discuss Roger Trigg’s contribution to this volume on Wittgenstein, concepts, and human nature. Trigg shares many of the basic assumptions that form the methodological framework of cognitive science of religion (CSR) arguing that Wittgenstein’s later work shares common ground with presumptions, commitments, and accounts in cultural studies that are usually rejected by proponents of CSR. In particular, he challenges Wittgenstein’s notion of truth, that he sees under the threat of…Read more
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    Wittgensteins Manuskriptbände aus dem Jahr 1929
    Wittgenstein-Studien 14 (1): 95-111. 2023.
    Wittgenstein's manuscript volumes from 1929: Reflections on the Chronology of MSS 105 – 107. In this paper I identify the evidence that might be used to establish a viable chronology for Wittgenstein’s writing of his manuscript volumes 105 – 107 and sections thereof. Since Wittgenstein omits to date his entries in these three 1929 volumes between February 15 and September 11, the evaluation of these different chronologies must remain somewhat speculative, but the justifications for each can, as …Read more
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    Agnes Callard, Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming
    In Thomas Buchheim, Volker Gerhardt, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Isabelle Mandrella, Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer & Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (eds.), Philosophisches Jahrbuch 2/2021, Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 398-400. 2021.
  •  13
    Agnes Callard, Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (2): 398-400. 2021.
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    Marco Brusotti, Wittgenstein, Frazer und die »ethnologische Betrachtungsweise«
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (1): 239-242. 2016.
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    Marco Iorio, Regel und Grund. Eine philosophische Abhandlung
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1): 190-192. 2014.
  •  14
    Wittgenstein's philosophy in 1929 (edited book)
    Routledge. 2023.
    The book explores the impact of manuscript remarks during the year 1929 on the development of Wittgenstein's thought. Although its intention is to put the focus specifically on the manuscripts, the book is not purely exegetical. The contributors generate important new insights for understanding Wittgenstein's philosophy and his place in the history of analytic philosophy. Wittgenstein's writings from the years 1929-1930 are valuable, not simply because they marked Wittgenstein's return to academ…Read more
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    The book explores the impact of manuscript remarks during the year 1929 on the development of Wittgenstein’s thought. Although its intention is to put the focus specifically on the manuscripts, the book is not purely exegetical. The contributors generate important new insights for understanding Wittgenstein’s philosophy and his place in the history of analytic philosophy. Wittgenstein’s writings from the years 1929-1930 are valuable, not simply because they marked Wittgenstein’s return to academ…Read more
  •  21
    On the theoretical foundations of the ‘Philosophy for Children’ programme
    Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (2): 210-226. 2022.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 2, Page 210-226, April 2022.
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    Wittgenstein’s 1929–30 inquiries into probability
    Philosophical Investigations 46 (1): 50-75. 2023.
    In Wittgenstein’s manuscripts dating from 1929 and 1930, there are a number of entries on the notion of probability. In this paper, I explore Wittgenstein’s manuscripts between October 1929 and March 1930 and demonstrate, first, that Wittgenstein completely rejects the assumption that probability statements are based on an a priori principle. Second, I argue that the standard interpretation, which claims that Wittgenstein adopts an ‘epistemological view’ of probability, significantly understates…Read more
  •  17
    Philosophy for Children has long been considered as crucial for children’s ethical and moral education and a decisive contribution for education for the democratic life. The book gathers contributions from experts in the field who reflect on fundamental issues on how childhood and ethics are interrelated within the P4C movement. The main interest of this volume is to offer an understanding of how different philosophical conceptions of childhood can be coordinated with different ethical and meta-…Read more
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    In the sparse literature that is concerned with Wittgenstein’s views regarding children and childhood, in his later work, it is often suggested that Wittgenstein presents, or at least is committed to, a romantic notion of the child according to which children should be conceived of as innocent beings who are ontologically different from adults. In this paper I argue that Wittgenstein’s remarks do not support such an interpretation. First, I investigate the arguments for this view presented by St…Read more
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    Logischer Holismus und Wittgensteins „praktische Wende“
    Wittgenstein-Studien 12 (1): 195-215. 2021.
    Logical Holism and Wittgenstein’s ‘Practical Turn’. – Logical holism is the idea that each elementary proposition belongs to a system and is logically connected to other propositions of that system. In this paper I explore this idea and draw its connections to the nature of negative propositions and the ‘problem of recognition’ on the basis of Wittgenstein’s Nachlass. In the first section I argue that in January 1930 the idea leads Wittgenstein to a better understanding of how the negative featu…Read more
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    In this paper, I explore Wittgenstein’s conception of a hypothesis as articulated in Chapters XII and XXII of ‘Philosophical Remarks’. First, I argue that in Chapter XII, Wittgenstein draws on his account of infinity to begin to challenge the view that all hypotheses can be proven by empirical evidence. I then argue that in Chapter XXII that Wittgenstein sharpens this conception of hypotheses claiming that no hypotheses can be verified. Finally, I suggest that Wittgenstein’s conception of a hypo…Read more
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    Benjamin Kiesewetter: The Normativity of Rationality (review)
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (1): 164-167. 2019.
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    Function as Use. Wittgenstein's Practical Turn in the Early Manuscripts
    Philosophical Investigations 42 (1): 66-96. 2018.
    The idea that the function of language is its use is commonly ascribed to the Later Wittgenstein. In this paper, I argue that there is textual evidence already coming from the early manuscripts proving that Wittgenstein's philosophical development is culminating in the idea of function as use around 1929–30. I interpret a passage from Ms‐107 in order to show that Wittgenstein's practical turn has sources in different stages of his philosophical development, each of which is dominated by differen…Read more
  •  7
    In this paper, I discuss whether the view that understanding is the ability to relate the use of an expression to a certain purpose leads to a theory of meaning as use. In particular, I investigate the view that a theory of meaning relies on the assumption that use is related to immanent purposes of language. I inquire whether it is possible to identify those purposes that seem essential for the use of language. Interpreting Wittgenstein, I argue that this idea relies on a misunderstanding betwe…Read more
  • Marco Iorio, Regel und Grund. Eine philosophische Abhandlung. (review)
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (1): 190-192. 2014.
  • Marco Brusotti, Wittgenstein, Frazer und die „ethnologische Betrachtungsweise“ (review)
    Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (1): 239-242. 2016.
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    The word ‘persuasion’ can be used in two different ways. It can either implicate a process of changing someone’s belief or action without any argumentative justification or, to the contrary, indicate that the changes are indeed a result of argumentative discourse. These two different uses are part of a conceptual development in the history of philosophy. Nowadays they are often placed in contrast to each other, whereby persuasion in philosophy as a non-argumentative act is taken as doubtful and …Read more
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    Praktische Gründe dienen uns Menschen dazu, unser Handeln verständlich zu machen. Philosophen sind fasziniert vom Wesen praktischer Gründe. Auf was für einen Gegenstand beziehen wir uns, wenn wir unser Handeln erklären? Sind praktische Gründe als psychologische Zustände der handelnden Person aufzufassen, etwa als deren Wünsche oder Überzeugungen? Oder sind sie identisch mit den sich in der Welt befindenden Tatsachen, also unabhängig vom Geist der Akteure? Verursachen Gründe unser Handeln? Diese …Read more
  • Wittgenstein and Tomasello on understanding intentions
    Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 12 (2): 58-69. 2018.
    Developmental psychologists have argued for the view that understanding one’s own intentions and the intentions of others consists in the performance of a psychological mechanism and moreover that the ability to understand intentions depends on the ontogenetic development of this mechanism. In this paper, I refer to Michael Tomasello as the most notable proponent of this view and present arguments against it. I argue that understanding intentions results from social agreement in practice rather…Read more
  • Brandom and Wittgenstein: Disagreements on how to be in agreement with a rule
    Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 8 (9). 2019.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Wittgenstein's remarks that discusses the meaning of being in practical agreement with a rule, arguing that Brandom misconstrues the idea undergirding Wittgenstein's remarks in terms of the relation between the pragmatic and normative aspects of language. First, I discuss Brandom's idea of normative pragmatism and Wittgenstein's remarks on rule-following in the Philosophical Investigations. I argue that Brandom enforces the picture of implicit rules as a sa…Read more