•  5
    And Acts of Faith
    In Ian Ravenscroft (ed.), Minds, Ethics, and Conditionals: Themes from the Philosophy of Frank Jackson, Oxford University Press. pp. 43. 2009.
  •  244
    Agency and actions
    In Agency and Actions, Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-23. 2004.
    Among philosophical questions about human agency, one can distinguish in a rough and ready way between those that arise in philosophy of mind and those that arise in ethics. In philosophy of mind, one central aim has been to account for the place of agents in a world whose operations are supposedly ‘physical’. In ethics, one central aim has been to account for the connexion between ethical species of normativity and the distinctive deliberative and practical capacities of human beings. Ethics th…Read more
  • Truthmaking Without Truthmaker Entities
    In Helen Beebee & Julian Dodd (eds.), Truthmakers: The Contemporary Debate, Clarendon Press. 2005.
  •  95
    The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy (edited book)
    Cambridge University Press. 2000.
    The thirteen specially-commissioned essays in this volume are written by philosophers at the forefront of feminist scholarship, and are designed to provide an accessible and stimulating guide to a philosophical literature that has seen massive expansion in recent years. Ranging from history of philosophy through metaphysics to philosophy of science, they encompass all the core subject areas commonly taught in anglophone undergraduate and graduate philosophy courses, offering both an overview of …Read more
  •  41
    Ethics: A Feminist Reader
    with Elisabeth Frazer and Sabina Lovibond
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (2): 372-373. 1992.
    Book synopsis: The feminist movement has challenged many of the unstated assumptions on which ethics as a branch of philosophy has always rested - assumptions about human nature, moral agency, citizenship and kinship. The twenty-six readings in this book express the discontent of a succession of fiercely articulate women writers, from Mary Wollstonecraft to the present day, with the masculine bias of `morality'. The editors have contributed an overall introduction, which discusses ethics, femini…Read more
  •  7
    The Agent's Independence of the World
    with Michael Cohen
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 56 21-50. 1982.
  •  126
    Semantic Knowledge and Practical Knowledge
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 79 (1): 107-145. 2005.
    The central claim is that the semantic knowledge exercised aby people when they speak is practical knowledge. The relevant idea of practical knowledge is explicated, applied to the case of speaking, and connected with an idea of agents' knowledge. Some defence of the claim is provided
  •  6
    On What’s Intentionally Done
    In Stephen Shute, John Gardner & Jeremy Horder (eds.), Action and value in criminal law, Oxford University Press. 1993.
    This chapter raises the question of how far some recent philosophy of action assists in explicating the moral psychological notions that are of concern in jurisprudence. The focus of the overall argument is on a distinction used by Antony Duff in his Intention, Agency and Criminal Liability — a distinction, Duff says, between ‘a broader and a narrower conception of intention’. It is doubtful that the distinction can do the work that Duff wants it to. Duff rests as much upon it as he does only be…Read more
  •  79
    Designed for readers new to the subject,_ Reading Philosophy of Language_ presents key texts in the philosophy of language together with helpful editorial guidance. A concise collection of key texts in the philosophy of language Ideal for readers new to the subject. Features seminal texts by leading figures in the field, such as Austin, Chomsky, Davidson, Dummett and Searle. Presents three texts on each of five key topics: speech and performance; meaning and truth; knowledge of language; meaning…Read more
  •  804
    Free speech and illocution
    Legal Theory 4 (1): 21-37. 1998.
    We defend the view of some feminist writers that the notion of silencing has to be taken seriously in discussions of free speech. We assume that what ought to be meant by ‘speech’, in the context ‘free speech’, is whatever it is that a correct justification of the right to free speech justifies one in protecting. And we argue that what one ought to mean includes illocution, in the sense of J.L. Austin.
  •  204
    Subordination, Silencing, and Two Ideas of Illocution (review)
    Jurisprudence 2 (2): 379-440. 2011.
    This section gathers together five reviews of Rae Langton?s book Sexual Solipsism: Philosophical Essays on Pornography and Objectification followed by a response from the author.
  •  3
    Knowledge of Meaning and Epistemic Interdependence
    In Richard Schantz (ed.), Prospects for Meaning, Walter De Gruyter. pp. 383-398. 2012.
  •  43
    Where do we go from here?
    with Jonathan Rée, Anthony O’Hear, and David Conway
    The Philosophers' Magazine 17 37-40. 2002.
  •  53
    On Action
    Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165): 498-500. 1991.
  •  52
  •  531
    Hornsby on the phenomenology of speech
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 79 (1). 2005.
    The central claim is that the semantic knowledge exercised by people when they speak is practical knowledge. The relevant idea of practical knowledge is explicated, applied to the case of speaking, and connected with an idea of agents’ knowledge. Some defence of the claim is provided.
  •  22
    The Agent's Independence of the World
    with Michael Cohen
    Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 56 (1). 1982.
  •  43
    Ethics: a feminist reader (edited book)
    with Elizabeth Frazer and Sabina Lovibond
    Blackwell. 1992.
    Book synopsis: The feminist movement has challenged many of the unstated assumptions on which ethics as a branch of philosophy has always rested - assumptions about human nature, moral agency, citizenship and kinship. The twenty-six readings in this book express the discontent of a succession of fiercely articulate women writers, from Mary Wollstonecraft to the present day, with the masculine bias of `morality'. The editors have contributed an overall introduction, which discusses ethics, femini…Read more
  • Agency and causal explanation
    In Alfred R. Mele (ed.), The philosophy of action, Oxford University Press. 1997.
  •  11
    Acts and Other Events by Judith Jarvis Thomson (review)
    Journal of Philosophy 78 (4): 234-243. 1981.
  •  31
    6. Naturalism in the Philosophy of Action
    In Matthew Boyle & Evgenia Mylonaki (eds.), Reason in Nature: New Essays on Themes From John Mcdowell, Harvard University Press. pp. 171-190. 2022.
  •  17
    9 Agency and Alienation
    In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), Naturalism in Question, Harvard University Press. pp. 173-187. 2004.
  •  36
    Reading Philosophy: Selected Texts with a Method for Beginners, Second Edition, provides a unique approach to reading philosophy, requiring students to engage with material as they read. It contains carefully selected texts, commentaries on those texts, and questions for the reader to think about as she reads. It serves as starting points for both classroom discussion and independent study. The texts cover a wide range of topics drawn from diverse areas of philosophical investigation, ranging ov…Read more
  •  617
    Hornsby is a defender of a position in the philosophy of mind she calls “naïve naturalism”. She argues that current discussions of the mind-body problem have been informed by an overly scientistic view of nature and a futile attempt by scientific naturalists to see mental processes as part of the physical universe. In her view, if naïve naturalism were adopted, the mind-body problem would disappear. I argue that her brand of anti-physicalist naturalism runs into difficulties with the problem of …Read more
  •  224
    Speech Acts and Pornography
    Women’s Philosophy Review 10 38-45. 1993.
  •  120
    Agency time and naturalism
    Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 91 137-153. 2017.
    I look critically at accounts of human action which help themselves to a certain conception of the causal order when they treat actions as effects of mental states. Donald Davidson introduced such accounts in the shape of the “belief-desire theory.” By way of examining Davidson’s ideas about events, I undertake to show what conceptions of time and of causality are needed for understanding agency, and for a viable naturalism.
  •  88
    Acts According to Hyman
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1): 238-242. 2018.
    I take issue with whether Hyman's conception of acts is compatible with a good account of the progressive tense