• ver the last few years, there has been an increase in discussions advocating in-cash programmes as a way to alleviate poverty. Indeed, this represents a leap forward in comparison to in-kind programmes. However, little progress, at least in developing countries, has been achieved in answering the question of how the state should transfer the means of redressing deprivation to those who are living in poverty. This article addresses this issue by challenging anti-poverty programmes through a socia…Read more
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    Deliberative scholars have suggested that citizens should be able to exchange arguments in public forums. A key element in this exchange is the rational mode of communication, which means speaking through objective argumentation. However, some feminists argue that this mode of communication may create or intensify epistemic injustices. Furthermore, we should not assume that everyone is equally equipped to take part in deliberation. Certain groups, such as Indigenous peoples, for instance, who ma…Read more
  • In this chapter, we provide a normative analysis of the relational dimension of poverty, that is, an account that is concerned with certain patterns of social and political relations amongst poor and non-poor individuals. While a relational dimension of poverty has been increasingly acknowledged in the literature, many share an underdeveloped notion of what exactly this means. One plausible way to develop it is by analysing the inferior social position held by poverty-stricken individuals in ter…Read more
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    Measurements of poverty generally rely upon assessments made of the situation of the household. Children are currently omitted from direct measurements of poverty: their situation is assessed indirectly by taking the household as the unit of analysis. According to these assessments, when family income or levels of deprivation are below a given poverty line, every member is considered poor. In this chapter, I argue that poverty should not only be measured using such a general assessment. A measur…Read more
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    On the need for political integration in cities
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. forthcoming.