•  224
    É a identidade fundamental?
    Dissertation, Federal University of Santa Catarina. 2016.
    Identity is traditionally taken to be a fundamental notion of our conceptual framework as well as a fundamental metaphysical component of entities. But as far as we make this claim we face ourselves with two problems: what is identity? And why would it be fundamental? These questions will guide us towards a discussion put forward by Bueno (2014), Krause and Arenhart (2015). Bueno holds that there are four aspects that make identity being fundamental: (1) identity is assumed in every conceptual s…Read more
  •  5
    Identidade e sistemas conceituais
    Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 9 61--68. 2019.
  •  244
    É a Identidade Fundamental?
    Dissertation, Federal University of Santa Catarina. 2016.
    (Abstract - Inglês) Identity is traditionally taken to be a fundamental notion of our conceptual framework as well as a fundamental metaphysical component of entities. But as far as we make this claim we face ourselves with two problems: what is identity? And why would it be fundamental? These questions will guide us towards a discussion put forward by Bueno (2014), Krause and Arenhart (2015). Bueno holds that there are four aspects that make identity being fundamental: (1) identity is assumed i…Read more
  • Filosofia: ciências humanas e suas tecnologias
    with Kherian Gracher and Tiago Cfer
    Editora Poliedro. 2015.
  •  278
    Identidade e Sistemas Conceituais
    Metatheoria. forthcoming.
    Is identity fundamental to every conceptual systems? In this article I intend to present reasons against the claim that every conceptual system presupposes the notion of identity. To address this debate I analyze the positions of Bueno (2014; 2016) and Krause and Arenhart (2015). While Bueno argues that identity is necessary for all conceptual systems, Krause and Arenhart present a series of objections against such position, thus defending that identity is not fundamental. I intend to show that …Read more
  •  479
    Identidade, Indiscernibilidade e Lógica
    Fundamento 1 (10): 21-40. 2015.
    Is identity fundamental to formal systems? Even if a system have no the identity relation, is that concept is not assumed in any way – whether in a metalinguistic or intuitive level? In this paper we shall discuss this issue. Otávio Bueno (2014, 2016) argues against the elimination of identity, holding that this concept is fundamental and non-eliminable (even in does systems that claim to do so). Décio Arenhart Krause and Jonas (2015), by the other hand, have a number of objections to Bueno’s th…Read more
  •  620
    Três Vezes Não: Um Estudo Sobre as Negações Clássica, Paraconsistente e Paracompleta
    Dissertation, Federal University of Santa Catarina. 2020.
    Could there be a single logical system that would allow us to work simultaneously with classical, paraconsistent, and paracomplete negations? These three negations were separately studied in logics whose negations bear their names. Initially we will restrict our analysis to propositional logics by analyzing classical negation, ¬c, as treated by Classical Propositional Logic (LPC); the paraconsistent negation, ¬p, as treated through the hierarchy of Paraconsistent Propositional Calculi Cn (0 ≤ n …Read more
  •  620
    Teria o metro-padrão um metro?
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (3): 465-474. 2015.
    Saul Kripke (1972) argued for the existence of a priori propositions that are contingently true. Kripke uses the example of a case presented by Wittgenstein (1953) about the Standard Meter of Paris. The Standard Meter is an object to determine the standard lenght, in the measure system, of a one meter unit. Wittgenstein argued that we can’t affirm that the Standard Meter has one meter, since it is the standard for measure and works as a rule in the language. Therefore, the phrase “the standard m…Read more