•  95
    Ciencia Y tecnología: Distinciones externas
    Theoria 2 (2): 323-344. 1987.
    In this paper the role of values in scientific and technological processes of inquiry is discussed. It is argued that a distinction between science and technology cannot any longer be attempted on the basis of being based upon respectively different sets of values and aims. Furthermore, it is argued that usually these attempts have wrongly characterised science and technology in terms of a fixed and immutable set of aims, values and norms. This sort of characterisation has often been put forward…Read more
  •  54
    Racionalidad y progreso deI desarrollo científico
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3): 41-56. 1992.
    This paper focuses on the conceptual relationship between rationality and progress as applied to scientific development. The concept of methodology is used in the sense of a model of scientific change. It is argued, as against e.g. recent discussion by Larry Laudan, that progress implies rationality. The notion of rationality useful for this conception of scientific development includes instrumental rationality, butalso the idea of rational paradigm-shift, which is analysed in terms of changes o…Read more
  •  46
    Normas y valores en la ciencia bajo un enfoque naturalizado
    Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29 (2): 43-58. 2004.
  •  43
    Representación Y resistencia al cambio científico
    Theoria 1 (3): 621-640. 1986.
    In this paper, some theoretical problems about a relevant conceptualization helpful to understand resistance to scientific and technological change are discussed. An interpretative perspective is developed, and some concepts are elucidated, according to which certain processes become scientific changes because, among other things, but in a fundamental way, they are constituted as changes by members of a community. Certain cognitive processes are typified as “scientific”, “technological” and “sci…Read more
  •  40
    El marco del mito
    Signos Filosóficos 6 (11s): 35-51. 2003.
    In The Logic of Scientific Discovery Karl Popper rejected psicologism, i. e., “the doctrine that statements can be justified not only by statements but also by perceptual experience”. According to him, this doctrine founders on the problem of induction and of universals. “For we can utter no scie..
  •  38
    Can Philosophy and Education Still Emancipate Humanity?
    The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3 107-116. 1999.
    Philosophy has historically played an important role: it has provided individuals and whole societies with conceptions of the world, which have made meaningful their individual and collective lives. But in our contemporary world, that role has been minimized under the impact of science and technology, the global exchange of information, and the transformation of social structures. The possibility of progress in this respect depends on the possibility of recovering the values of respect and love …Read more
  •  36
    La epistemología a la vuelta del siglo XXI
    Endoxa 1 (12-2): 581. 2000.
  •  30
    En este libro se discuten algunos problemas fundamentales de la sociedad contempor nea que se derivan del desarrollo cient fico y tecnol gico.
  •  29
    Villoro: sobre verdad, objetividad y saber
    Critica 16 (48): 79-103. 1984.
  •  26
  •  20
  •  13
    Fair, Democractic and Plural Knowledge Societies in Latin America
    Pensamiento y Cultura 15 (1): 5-19. 2012.
    durante el siglo XX, particularmente en la segunda mitad, la sociedad y la cultura a nivel planetario sufrieron importantes transformaciones, en gran medida como resultado del impresionantedesarrollo científico y tecnológico. Las formas de producción económica también se transformaron profundamente, al grado que la mayor riqueza, desde el punto de vista económico, es ahora generada por sistemas de producción que, se dice, están “basados en conocimiento”. Parareferirse a estos fenómenos se ha for…Read more
  •  12
    La Explicación social del conocimiento (edited book)
    with Barry Barnes and Adriana Sandoval
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. 1985.
  •  10
  •  9
    Multiculturalidad, interculturalismo y el aprovechamiento social de los conocimientos
    Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 10 (10): 45-66. 2010.
    Un modelo interculturalista adecuado para las sociedades multiculturales, tanto global como localmente, requiere del reconocimiento del derecho de los pueblos a la diferencia y a preservar su identidad colectiva, necesita también incluir formas para estimular la interacción respetuosa y cooperativa entre sí de los distintos pueblos y culturas, pero también debe incorporar el reconocimiento del derecho a disfrutar de las condiciones que permitan su florecimiento, así como formas efectivas para lo…Read more
  •  8
    Representación y resistencia al cambio científico
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (3): 621-640. 1986.
    In this paper, some theoretical problems about a relevant conceptualization helpful to understand resistance to scientific and technological change are discussed. An interpretative perspective is developed, and some concepts are elucidated, according to which certain processes become scientific changes because, among other things, but in a fundamental way, they are constituted as changes by members of a community. Certain cognitive processes are typified as “scientific”, “technological” and “sci…Read more
  •  6
    Sobre el realismo convergente
    Critica 16 (48): 53-78. 1984.
  •  6
    Ciencia y Tecnología
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (2-3): 323-344. 1987.
    In this paper the role of values in scientific and technological processes of inquiry is discussed. It is argued that a distinction between science and technology cannot any longer be attempted on the basis of being based upon respectively different sets of values and aims. Furthermore, it is argued that usually these attempts have wrongly characterised science and technology in terms of a fixed and immutable set of aims, values and norms. This sort of characterisation has often been put forward…Read more
  •  5
    This paper focuses on the conceptual relationship between rationality and progress as applied to scientific development. The concept of methodology is used in the sense of a model of scientific change. It is argued, as against e.g. recent discussion by Larry Laudan, that progress implies rationality. The notion of rationality useful for this conception of scientific development includes instrumental rationality, butalso the idea of rational paradigm-shift, which is analysed in terms of changes o…Read more
  •  3
    Philosophie und Rechtstheorie in Mexiko
    with Fernando Salmerón
    . 1989.
  •  2
    El concepto de probabilidad
    Critica 13 (37): 29-56. 1981.
  • Sobre la pluralidad de los mundos de hecho
    Agora 17 (2): 59-77. 1998.