I teach philosophy at University of Vale dos Sinos (Sinos is a river near de city of São Leopoldo, a city of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, the capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). I'm member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Philosophy and I also teach in the undergraduate course of medicine. Unisinos is one of the biggest privates universities in Brazil. It is sponsored by the Jesuits. I'm especially interested in metaethics, normative and applied ethics, including medical ethics and bioethics. I'm also interested in Philosophy of medicine as a branch of philosophy of science. I'm currently researcher of the N…
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos SinosProfessor
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
PhD, 2003
São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Areas of Specialization
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Applied Ethics |
Meta-Ethics |
Normative Ethics |
Medical Ethics |
Public Health |
Informed Consent in Medicine |
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