•  228
    A Tale of Two (and More) Models of Rights of Nature
    Environmental Ethics. forthcoming.
    In our contemporary world, the rights of nature have become an important legal device for environmental protection. Some of the most influential rights of nature frameworks can be found in non-Western contexts and have been strongly influenced by ecocentric accounts of nature. This article addresses the question of whether rights of nature can be implemented in Western contexts as well, focusing in particular on Europe. It first examines ecocentric justifications of the rights of nature and disc…Read more
  •  234
    Tilo Wesche. Die Rechte der Natur: Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum
    Environmental Philosophy 21 (1): 113-116. 2024.
    In this book review, I summarize the main argument of Tilo Wesche's book "Die Rechte der Natur: Vom nachhaltigen Eigentum" (The rights of Nature: On sustainable ownership) and conclude with a critical appraisal.
  •  25
    Southern Ontologies: Reorienting Agendas in Social Ontology
    with David Ludwig, Daniel Faabelangne Banuoku, Birgit Boogaard, Charbel N. Elhani, Bernard Yangmaadome Guri, Vitor Renck, C. Adriana Ressiore, Jairo Robles-Piñeros, and Julia J. Turska
    Journal of Social Ontology 10 (2): 51-79. 2024.
    This article addresses ontological negotiations in the Global South through three case studies of community-based research in Brazil and Ghana. We argue that ontological perspectives of Indigenous people and local communities require an ontological pluralism that recognizes both the plurality of representational tools and of ways of being in the world. Locating these two readings of ontological pluralism in the politics of the Global South, the article highlights a wider dynamic from ontological…Read more
  •  23
    Rechte für Flüsse, Berge und Wälder: Eine neue Perspektive für den Naturschutz? (edited book)
    with Riccarda Flemmer, Andreas Gutmann, Hans Leo Bader, Frank-M. Raddatz, Jenny García Ruales, Alex Putzer, and Jula Zenetti
    Oekom. 2023.
    Immer öfter werden der Natur eigene Rechte zugesprochen. Rund um den Globus helfen sie gefährdeten Ökosystemen, sich gegen schädliche Wirtschaftsinteressen zu verteidigen. Seit ihrer Einführung in die ecuadorianische Verfassung im Jahre 2008 wurden Rechte der Natur unter anderem in Bolivien, Kanada, Kolumbien, Neuseeland und den USA eingeführt. Zuletzt in Spanien zum Schutz einer Salzwasserlagune. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie die Idee der Rechte der Natur entstand, wie sie immer mehr an Fahrt aufnahm …Read more
  •  405
    Confrontation or Dialogue? Productive Tensions between Decolonial and Intercultural Scholarship
    with David Ludwig, Thierry Ngosso, Pius M. Mosima, and Birgit Boogaard
    Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11 (n/a). 2024.
    For several decades, intercultural philosophers have produced an extensive body of scholarly work aimed at mutual intercultural understanding. They have focused on the ideal of intercultural dialogue that is supported by dialogue principles and virtuous attitudes. However, this ideal is challenged by decolonial scholarship as one which neglects power inequalities. Decolonial scholars have emphasized the differences between cultures and worldviews, shifting the focus to colonial history and radic…Read more
  •  204
    In this article, I draw on the Mesoamerican institution of community offices (cargo) to support the view that political authority should be based on both political legitimacy and political expertise. I argue that the Mesoamerican tradition of cargos allows for a notion of political expertise that one acquires by rendering a service to one’s community. This expertise could be made a prerequisite for political representation without being vulnerable to several charges that have been levelled again…Read more
  •  31
    Four epistemic reasons to consult religious traditions
    Constellations 31 (1): 85-97. 2023.
    In this paper, I investigate whether there are nonreligious, epistemic reasons that could justify consulting religious traditions. In this way, I supplement the ongoing debate on the value of tradition, which has focused mostly on practical values for maintaining traditions, with an examination of epistemic reasons for consulting traditions. To do so, I focus on the problem-solving aspect of religious traditions and their epistemic resources. I discuss whether consulting traditions of religious …Read more
  •  769
    Southern Ontologies. Reorienting Agendas in Social Ontology
    with David Ludwig, Daniel Faabelangne Banuoku, Birgit Boogaard, Charbel N. Elhani, Bernard Yangmaadome Guri, Vitor Renck, Adriana Ressiore C., Jairo Robles-Piñeros, and Julia J. Turska
    Journal of Social Ontology (2): 51-79. 2023.
    This article addresses ontological negotiations in the Global South through three case studies of community-based research in Brazil and Ghana. We argue that ontological perspectives of Indigenous and other subjugated communities require an ontological pluralism that recognizes the plurality of both representational tools and ways of being in the world. Locating these two readings of ontological pluralism in the politics of the Global South, the article highlights a wider dynamic from ontologica…Read more
  •  51
    Limits to wealth in the history of Western philosophy
    European Journal of Philosophy 28 (4): 954-969. 2020.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
  •  40
    The role of political ontology for Indigenous self-determination
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5). 2024.
    In this paper, I defend the claim that addressing dominating ontologies is crucial for achieving Indigenous self-determination. Consequently, the struggle for Indigenous self-determination comprises not only an engagement with political practices, structures, and institutions, but also with political ontology. I first argue that implementing Indigenous self-determination requires an engagement with political ontology. I then introduce Iris Young’s conception of self-determination as non-dominati…Read more
  •  20
    Ein Analyseraster für Traditionskonzeptionen
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (1): 100-115. 2022.
    Tradition is a complex phenomenon of which we can find a multiplicity of conceptualizations in the philosophical, sociological, anthropological, and economic literature. In this paper, I offer both a critical and a constructive contribution to answering the question of how tradition should be conceptualized. In the critical part, I argue against attempts to construct a unified conception of tradition. In the constructive part, I discuss three taxonomies proposed in the literature and then develo…Read more
  •  23
    Joseph Margolis, Three Paradoxes of Personhood: The Venetian Lectures
    European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (1). 2018.
    In the academic world, Joseph Margolis is best known as the proponent of a particular combination of radical historicism and robust relativism. In his publications, he argues that “humankind is the measure of all things” with regard to aesthetics, history, natural and social sciences, and philosophy. In doing so, he effortlessly interacts with authors from the continental, pragmatist, and analytic traditions. His book Three Paradoxes of Personhood is a collection of the three Venetian lecture...
  •  27
    Capability and habit
    Journal of Global Ethics 15 (2): 183-192. 2019.
    In his action theory, John Dewey makes use of the concept of capability to highlight the way human capacities depend on the environment and the character of an agent. In his capability approach, Amartya Sen likewise refers to the environment by discussing the role of conversion factors. Yet, he abstains from a discussion of character development, presumably in order to allow for a variety of conceptions of the good and ways in which characters can develop. In this paper, I develop the outlines o…Read more
  •  1680
    Transdisciplinary Philosophy of Science: Meeting the Challenge of Indigenous Expertise
    with David Ludwig, Charbel El-Hani, Fabio Gatti, Catherine Kendig, Lucia Neco, Abigail Nieves Delgado, Luana Poliseli, Vitor Renck, Adriana Ressiore C., Luis Reyes-Galindo, Thomas Loyd Rickard, Gabriela De La Rosa, Julia J. Turska, Francisco Vergara-Silva, and Rob Wilson
    Philosophy of Science 91 1221-1231. 2024.
    Transdisciplinary research knits together knowledge from diverse epistemic communities in addressing social-environmental challenges, such as biodiversity loss, climate crises, food insecurity, and public health. This paper reflects on the roles of philosophy of science in transdisciplinary research while focusing on Indigenous and other subaltern forms of knowledge. We offer a critical assessment of demarcationist approaches in philosophy of science and outline a constructive alternative of tra…Read more