Born in Hull, Quebec, Canada. High school studies at Collège Saint-Alexandre. Collégial (pre-university) at Séminaire Saint-Augustin and Collège de l'Outaouais. Studied theology and philosophy at Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Ottawa. Further studies at the Université Laval in Quebec City. PhD in Theology in 2000, with a dissertation on New horizons of thought for a theology of nature between information theory and philosophy of science. Doctor in Philosophy (D.Ph.) in 2005, with a dissertation on the axiological interpretation of cybernetics, and the isomorphic understanding of the structuration of life by the French philoso…
Born in Hull, Quebec, Canada. High school studies at Collège Saint-Alexandre. Collégial (pre-university) at Séminaire Saint-Augustin and Collège de l'Outaouais. Studied theology and philosophy at Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Ottawa. Further studies at the Université Laval in Quebec City. PhD in Theology in 2000, with a dissertation on New horizons of thought for a theology of nature between information theory and philosophy of science. Doctor in Philosophy (D.Ph.) in 2005, with a dissertation on the axiological interpretation of cybernetics, and the isomorphic understanding of the structuration of life by the French philosopher of nature and science Raymond Ruyer (1902-1987).
Taught at the Institut de formation théologique de Montréal; École polytechnique de Montréal; Saint-Paul University; Université de Sherbrooke; Gustavus Adolphus College; St. Catherine University; and University of St. Thomas.
I taught at Bethel University, offering classes on the Scientific method, the Philosophy of technology, Mathematics, and Academic research and research writing. I am member of the coordination committee of the French science and religion network 'Réseau Blaise Pascal,' a member of the council of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) as elected representative of France and the French-speaking European countries. I have been Research Fellow at the Chaire Science et Religion of the Université Catholique de Lyon, researcher at the Chaire Jean Bastaire, and a collaborator/scientific moderator for the French science and religion website project
I was Maître de conférences at the École Supérieure de Biologie - Biochimie - Biotechnologies (ESTBB) of the Université Catholique de Lyon (UCLy), giving lectures in the 'Licence Sciences de la vie et humanités' and in the Master's in Biological Engineering programs. I am presently the principal researcher of the Chaire "Science, technosciences et foi à l'heure de l'écologie intégrale," at the Université Catholique de Lille, as well as Researcher at the laboratory ETHICS (EA 7446). I am also Fellow of the International Society for Science & Religion (ISSR), based in Cambridge, UK.
I am qualified as Maître de Conférences at the national level with the Conseil National des Universités (CNU), in section #17, Philosophy (No 19217166184), in section #72, Epistemology and History of Science and Technology (No 19272166184), as well as section #76, Catholic Theology (No 19276166184).