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    The present chapter investigates the use of the expression bonum commune in two political works by William of Ockham: the third part of the Dialogus and the Octo quaestiones de potestate papae. The choice of these works is motivated by the fact that they represent the final – and most mature – phase of the English Franciscan’s political reflection. Relying on the findings of previous scholarship, the author believes it is appropriate to focus on the use of the expression rather than on a determi…Read more
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    Francis of Meyronnes
    In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, Blackwell. 2005.
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    Enrico del Carretto was a Franciscan theologian who called himself a bachelor of theology late in life, after becoming bishop of Lucca in 1300. He was among those Friars Minor who at the same time were loyal to John XXII and firmly believed in the Franciscan doctrine of Apostolic poverty. In his written contribution to the debate about Apostolic poverty, he maintained that a religious order is not a mere collection of individuals. The introductory section of this chapter briefly explains why suc…Read more
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    Tota familia Aristotelis: On Some Sources of Bacon’s Contribution to Medieval Political Discourse
    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (1): 125-147. 2022.
    Writing his Moralis philosophia, Roger Bacon discussed issues relevant to medieval political discourse. He felt the need to appeal to the authority of Aristotle, but having no access to Aristotle’s Politica, he tried to reconstruct its main tenets through the writings of other thinkers, such as Avicenna and Alfarabi. The result of this attempt is a sketch of a political theory that goes mainly under the name of Aristotle but has little to do with the actual contents of the Politica. In the follo…Read more
  • Peter of Auvergne, Giles of Rome and Aristotle’s ‘Politica’
    In Christoph Flüeler, Lidia Lanza & Marco Toste (eds.), Peter of Auvergne: University Master of the 13th Century, Walter De Gruyter. pp. 51-70. 2014.
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    Studying Giles of Rome’s De ecclesiastica potestate, scholars usually focus their attention on the first part, where the Augustinian master argues in favor of his extreme theory of papal power. The present paper deals with the second part of the treatise, devoted to the relationship between the Church and temporal possessions. The main issues discussed in this part are therefore not political and ecclesiastical power, but ownership and poverty. The paper underlines in the first place the connect…Read more
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    Studying Giles of Rome’s De ecclesiastica potestate, scholars usually focus their attention on the first part, where the Augustinian master argues in favor of his extreme theory of papal power. The present paper deals with the second part of the treatise, devoted to the relationship between the Church and temporal possessions. The main issues discussed in this part are therefore not political and ecclesiastical power, but ownership and poverty. The paper underlines in the first place the connect…Read more
  • Tra etica e politica: la prudentia del principe nel De regimine di Egidio Romano
    Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3 (1): 77-144. 1992.
    Nella prima parte dello studio l'A. esamina la dottrina egidiana della prudentia evidenziando i temi principali esposti nel De regimine sull'argomento, cioè la posizione della prudenza come virtù intermedia tra le virtù morali e le intellettuali, la giustificazione egidiana di tale collocamento, l'esame delle parti «integrali» e di quelle «soggettive» della prudenza. La parte finale offre un confronto fra la dottrina egidiana e le idee emergenti dagli specula principis precedenti. La posizione e…Read more
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    Nella prima parte l'A. individua la presenza dell'Etica Nicomachea nel De regimine principum di Egidio. Nella seconda parte esamina le possibili mediazioni nella ricezione egidiana dell'Etica. Nella terza parte offre alcuni esempi dell'influenza dottrinale dell'Aquinate nella classificazione delle virtù, nella loro connessione e nel rapporto tra magnanimità e umiltà. Nell'ultima sezione esamina il modo in cui Egidio, pur avendo presenti le proposte dell'Aquinate, segua una linea di pensiero orig…Read more
  • Nella prima parte del lavoro l'A. rintraccia le parti della Politica che vengono impiegate nel terzo libro del De regimine nonché il contesto e le funzioni della loro utilizzazione. Nella seconda parte esamina il ruolo di mediazione che la Sententia libri Politicorum di Tommaso d'Aquino svolse nella ricezione egidiana della Politica, l'influenza esercitata dal De regno di Tommaso nella ricostruzione egidiana del profilo del governo e del principe ideale, e infine la questione dei rapporti del De…Read more
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    Letters and Politics: Gerald Odonis vs. Francis of Marchia
    Vivarium 47 (2-3): 364-373. 2009.
    Gerald Odonis and Francis of Marchia, both Franciscan masters of theology active in the early fourteenth century, played an important role in the controversies that split the Franciscan Order as a result of Pope John XXII's decisions concerning the theory of religious poverty. They fought on opposite fronts: Odonis was elected Minister General after the deposition of Michael of Cesena, whom Francis supported in the struggle against the pope. This paper reconstructs the different stages at which …Read more
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    Brill Online Books and Journals
    with Christoph Flüeler, Karl Ubl, Lars Vinx, Cary J. Nederman, and James M. Blythe
    Vivarium 40 (1): 41-74. 2002.
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    Mirrors for Princes
    In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Springer. pp. 791--797. 2011.
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    John of Paris
    In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, Springer. pp. 631--634. 2011.
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    Resurgant entia rationis, Matthaeus de Augubio on the Object of Logic
    Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 59 3-60. 1989.
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    It is well known that Francis of Marchia and William of Ockham joined Michael of Cesena's rebellion against the pope, together escaping from Avignon and signing documents supporting Cesena's defence of Franciscan poverty. The relationship between the works of the two thinkers, on the other hand, is the subject of ongoing investigation. After discussing Francis' rejection in his Commentary on the Sentences of Ockham's theory of quantity, this paper shows how Francis' Improbatio became a source fo…Read more