S.A. Hamed Hosseini, PhD in Sociology and Global Studies from the Australian National University (ANU, 2006), is a tenure Senior Lecturer in Sociology, in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries, and Social Sciences, College of Human and Social Futures, University of Newcastle (UON), NSW, Australia.
S. A. Hamed Hosseini is an elected Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. He is the first author of Capital Redefined (2024, with B K Gills), the lead editor of The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies (2020), and the sole author of Conscientious Sociology (2013), and Alternative Globalizations (2009/2011).
Hosseini is the founder and convener of UON Alternative Futures Research Network, founder and editor of ‘Common Alternatives’ initiative (www.thecommonalts.com), founder of The Well-living Lab, co-founder and convener of Alternative Futures Research Hub (UON’s first community-partnered research hub), co-founder and co-director of New Economy Network Australia Research Hub, the Lead CI of Re-imagining Quality of Life Post-COVID project, the committee member of NENA Health and Wellbeing Hub. He held the Inaugural Head of Societies, Cultures, and Human Services Cluster (2018-19), and performed as an elected Academic Senate member of UON for four years (2017 -2020).
Recent Key Contributions to the Field
Hosseini is a distinguished academic specializing in sociology, political economy, development studies, and globalization studies. His work stands out for its innovative approach to post-capitalist alternatives, guided by a "commonist" perspective, a concept he has pioneered. He has contributed significantly to the redefinition and introduction of new theories in his fields, making a notable impact with concepts like "transversal cosmopolitanism", "accommodative consciousness" in global justice movements, and "critical open-mindedness." His focus on "well-living paradigm" (as an alterantive approach to quality of life) and redefined notions like "transversality," "transversalism," "pluriversality," and the social quality of life underscores his commitment to progressive social transformation. Embracing a mixed-method approach and incorporating social network analysis, Dr. Hosseini excels in designing sociological scales for surveys, investigating, and net-mapping organizations and groups involved in progressive social changes.
Transformative Scholarship
Hosseini's transformative scholarship is a fresh and practical approach to understanding and solving global issues. It goes beyond traditional thinking by acknowledging that our understanding of the world is influenced by our values and experiences, while also stressing the importance of moral judgment in research. Hosseini emphasizes the interconnectedness of human and environmental factors, and challenges the dominance of Western perspectives by incorporating diverse global insights. His work is innovative, blending idealistic visions of a better future with realistic strategies, and actively engages in reimagining how societies can transform beyond current capitalist structures. This approach is about looking at the bigger picture, understanding the various forces at play in our world, and finding new, cooperative ways to address the challenges we face globally.
Drawing inspiration from, yet maintaining a critical stance towards, post-capitalist perspectives such as eco-Marxism, eco-Anarchism, democratic confederalism, eco-feminism, convivialism, anti-colonialism, degrowth, commons movement, economic democracy, and the solidarity economy, Dr. Hosseini's work stands out for its intellectual rigor and profound impact. His approach goes beyond mere adoption of these ideologies; it involves a nuanced and reflective engagement that enriches his research and makes it deeply impactful in addressing contemporary global challenges.
Commonist Value Theory
Hosseini's commonist value theory, as presented in his book CAPITAL REDEFINED (with B K Gills, 2024) offers a transformative approach to understanding and critiquing capital. It emphasizes the importance of a normative frame of reference, promoting the collective creation and distribution of true value based on social justice and ecological sustainability, thereby challenging existing power structures and capitalist relations.