•  17
    Study social-cultural problems of pardis new apartment'life
    with F. Kamran and Kh Zabihinia
    Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 2 (5): 21-40. 2010.
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    A comparative survey on family factors which affect female adolescents delinquency of tehran (1386-1387)
    with Shirin Yekkehkar
    Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 4 (12): 97-115. 2011.
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    Occupational therapists and patients rights: their level of Clinical knowledge
    with Leila Dehghan, Hamid Dalvand, Hojjat Allah Haghgoo, and Masoud Karimlou
    Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 6. 2013.
    Addressing patients' rights issues brings occupational therapists ethical and political responsibilities that involve patients' privileges and new facilitating factors which influence their needs. The goal of this study was to determine the level of occupational therapists' knowledge about patients' rights. The present research was a cross-sectional study which involved 125 occupational therapists chosen by a conven-ience sampling strategy in Tehran during the year of 2012. A four-part questionn…Read more
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    Ibn Sina's Narration of Understanding the Metaphysics and Its Semantic Analysis
    Avicennian Philosophy Journal 17 (50): 79-90. 2013.
    There has always been this supposition in our philosophical tradition that Ibn Sina at first did not understand the Metaphysics of Aristotle and then by the help of Farabi's book – which was devoted to aghraz al – maba'daltabi'ah-could understand it. This supposition for this reason prevails among the historians of Islamic philosophical thought that Ibn Sina himself affirms in his autobiography that has repeatedly read the Metaphysics of Aristotele but has not understand it. But this understandi…Read more
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    Issues and obstacles analysis of rural development of lorestan province
    Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 4 (13): 37-57. 2012.
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    The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies (edited book)
    with James Goodman, Sara C. Motta, and Barry K. Gills
    Routledge. 2021.
    The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies provides diverse and cutting-edge perspectives on this fast-changing field. For 30 years the world has been caught in a long 'global interregnum, ' plunging from one crisis to the next and witnessing the emergence of new, vibrant, multiple, and sometimes contradictory forms of popular resistance and politics. This global 'interregnum' - or a period of uncertainty where the old hegemony is fading and the new ones have not yet been fully real…Read more
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    This article introduces the concept of ‘well-living’ as a transformative framework for reimagining quality of life in the face of current global socio-ecological challenges. Through a reflexive theoretical meta-analysis, it critically examines mainstream and reformist well-being discourses while drawing inspiration from transformative perspectives found in recent post-capitalist and indigenous movements. ‘Well-living’ is portrayed as both a civilizational endeavor and a multifaceted imperative, …Read more
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    Capital Redefined presents a unique perspective on the nature of “capital,” departing from the prevailing reductionist accounts. Hosseini and Gills offer an expanded perspective on Marxian value theory by addressing its main limitations and building their own integrative value theory. They argue that the current understanding of “value” must be re-examined and liberated from its subservient ties to capital while acknowledging the ways in which capital appropriates value. This is achieved by diff…Read more
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    Theorizing alternatives to capital: Towards a critical cosmopolitanist framework
    with James Goodman and Barry K. Gills
    European Journal of Social Theory 20 (4): 437-454. 2017.
    We are living in an era of multiple crises, multiple social resistances, and multiple cosmopolitanisms. The post-Cold War context has generated a plethora of movements, but no single unifying ideology or global political program has yet materialized. The historical confrontation between capital and its alternatives, however, continues to pose new possibilities for social and systemic transformations. Critical analysis of ideological divisions among today’s diverse emancipatory and transformative…Read more
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    Conscientious sociology
    H & s Media. 2013.
    Conscientious Sociology is an introductory but essential step towards the recognition of paradigmatic contestations and shifts in the post-1970s Social Sciences. It develops an ideal typology of three major paradigms, i.e. the Foundationalist, the Relativist and the Critical-Conscientious Paradigms by discussing and comparing their principles in four Meta-Theoretical domains: Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology, and Axiology. Hosseini, in his book, shows how the Conscientious paradigm deals with…Read more