Sandro Mancini

Università Degli Studi Di Palermo
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    By using a tomographic approach to quantum states, we rise the problem of nonlocality within a single particle (single degree of freedom). We propose a possible way to look for such e®ects on a qubit. Although a conclusive answer is far from being reached, we provide some re°ections on the foundational ground.
  • E. PONZALLI, "Storia della filosofia occidentale"
    Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 70 (n/a): 547. 1978.
  • This article analyses how the philosopher Piero Martinetti conceptualizes the survival of a person’s soul after death. Martinetti’s stance is strongly influenced by the philosophy of Plotinus. Martinetti shows that the relation between singularity and multiplicity is expressed in human beings as two different and complimentary perspectives: a fundamental identity in the atemporal dimension of the intelligible life of the spirit and a dynamic tension in the empiric order of the spatio-temporal be…Read more
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    Piedade e Unidade da Vida: Montaigne, Bruno e Rousseau
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 58 (4). 2002.
    O artigo versa sobre duas passagens cruciais em que toma forma o tema da comunicação entre vida humana e vida não humana: o século XVI, com Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) e Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), e o século XVIII, com Jean-Jacques Rous-seau (1712-1778), o qual se inspira directamente nos Essais. O artigo mostra até que ponto a ética de Montaigne se concentra sobre a escuta da natureza imanente a cada indivíduo, comportando em si a ideia da solidariedade que une todos os seres vivos, reconh…Read more
  • Montaigne, Bruno e Rousseau
    Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 58 (4): 847-857. 2002.
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    Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology as a Dialectical Philosophy of Expression
    International Philosophical Quarterly 36 (4): 389-398. 1996.
    The article show that the purpose of the final elaboration of Merleau-Ponty is thus to find a new idea of philosophy in which both Hegelian and Husserlian phenomenology can converge. But this tension in no way constitutes an element of rupture in the theoretical continuity of the Merleau-Pontian philosophy
  • Beierwaltes e la trascendentalità del pensiero
    Giornale di Metafisica 29 (1): 191-210. 2007.