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    The Work of Sexual Difference
    In Mary C. Rawlinson, Sabrina L. Hom & Serene J. Khader (eds.), Thinking with Irigaray, State University of New York Press. pp. 1-9. 2011.
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    Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy (edited book)
    Routledge. 2017.
    The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy is an outstanding guide and reference source to the key topics, subjects, thinkers, and debates in feminist philosophy. Fifty-six chapters, written by an international team of contributors specifically for the Companion, are organized into five sections: Engaging the Past; Mind, Body, and World; Knowledge, Language, and Science; Intersections; Ethics, Politics, and Aesthetics. The volume provides a mutually enriching representation of the several ph…Read more
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    Thinking with Irigaray (edited book)
    with Mary C. Rawlinson and Sabrina L. Hom
    State University of New York Press. 2011.
    An interdisciplinary and contemporary response to Irigaray’s work
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    Reason to value" : process, opportunity, and perfectionism in the capability approach
    with Stacy J. Kosko
    In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko (eds.), Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics, Cambridge University Press. 2019.
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    ABSTRACT This symposium brings together commentaries on Serene J. Khader’s Decolonizing Universalism: A Transnational Feminist Ethic from Linda Martín Alcoff, Sunaina Arya, and Olúfẹ'mi O. Táíwò with a reply from Khader. Khader’s book aims to develop a conception of feminism that is both universalist and anti-imperialist. Central to this feminism are (a) the idea that the normative core of feminism is opposition to sexist oppression and (b) the idea that the role of normative concepts in transna…Read more
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    Ich habe Decolonizing Universalism mit der Absicht geschrieben, eine große Frage zu beantworten – vielleicht die größte normative Frage, die die transnationale feministische Wissenschaft beschäftigt: Wie können wir gleichzeitig Feministinnen und Antiimperialistinnen sein? Anders ausgedrückt: Gibt es eine normative Position, die eine gründliche Kritik des Imperialismus ermöglicht, ohne in sexistischen oder patriarchalen Apologetismus zu verfallen? In diesem Buch entwickle ich eine solche Position…Read more
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    How is Feminist Philosophy Nonideal Theory
    Social Theory and Practice. forthcoming.
    Feminist, and other liberatory, moral and political philosophies are widely understood as nonideal theories. But if feminism is just a set of first-order normative commitments, it is unclear why it should produce action-guiding philosophy. I argue that feminist philosophy characteristically takes oppressive salience idealization (OSI) to undermine the means-end consistency of normative theories. OSI involves characterizing the world in ways that give undue weight to the interests and perspective…Read more
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    Entitled: How Male Privilege Hurts Women (review)
    The Philosophers' Magazine 91 111-114. 2020.