• Asymmetric conflation: QAnon and the political cooptation of religion
    Steven Foertsch, Rudra Chakraborty, and Paul Joosse
    Politics and Religion 17 (1): 58-80. 2023.
    QAnon is beginning to gain attention in scholarly circles, but these sources often disagree about how to categorize the movement. This amounts to the meta-dispute between those who view QAnon primarily as a religious “cult,” and those who grant it greater credibility as a political populist movement. Using quantitative and qualitative methods we test the proposition that QAnon could be a mix of both. Results from both analyses suggest that QAnon is best understood primarily as a political populi…Read more
  • Book Review: The Dawn of Everything (review)
    Humanity and Society (na): 1-3. 2023.
  • The Others: Finding and Counting America's Invisible Churches
    J. Gordon Melton, Todd Ferguson, and Steven Foertsch
    Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (na): 0-12. 2023.
    The 2010 U. S. Religious Census: Religious Congregations and Membership Survey (RCMS) is the most comprehensive picture of U.S. religious life, county by county. How thorough is the RCMS in covering local religious groups? To answer this question, three county snapshots were performed with collected data compared to the RCMS 2010 reported numbers. Data suggest that there has been an underreport by as much as 25 percent of the number of local congregations in these counties. New and emerging reli…Read more
  • Recent theorists of cultural studies have noticed the emergence of metamodernity as an ideal type, categorized by an oscillation between postmodern deconstructivism and modern idealism, into a form of transcendentalism. I argue in this chapter that this type of transcendentalism, informed by the historical American Transcendentalist Movement, is the emerging ideal called “Transhumanism.” I use a case study of five Japanese anime to demonstrate how transhumanist, metamodernist, and transcendental…Read more
  • A Social History of Christofascism
    Steven Foertsch and Christopher M. Pieper
    In Dennis Hiebert (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Sociology and Christianity, Routledge. pp. 93-100. 2023.
    Recent literature on Christian nationalism by sociologists of religion in the United States identifies a perceived novel phenomenon: the fusion of authoritarian governmental forms with Christianity. However, the socio-historical origin of this international trend has been left relatively unexplored. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to create a single international account that lends itself to future comparative theoretical frameworks and analyses through the term "Christofascism." The cha…Read more
  • Religiosity and Deviance Among College Students in Türkiye: A Test of Ascetic Theory
    Sung Joon Jang, Steven Foertsch, Byron R. Johnson, Ozden Ozbay, and Fatma Takmaz Demirel
    Deviant Behavior 44 (9): 1334-1348. 2023.
    Although an inverse relationship between religion and deviance is empirically well-established in the western context, previous studies on Islam and deviance conducted in non-western countries are limited. To address this gap in deviance research, we hypothesized that individual religiosity would be inversely related to deviance with the inverse relationship being more likely for ascetic than anti-ascetic or secular deviance. To test this hypothesis, we applied ordinary least squares and lo…Read more
  • Background: With recent attention to the organizational dynamics of contemporary Satanism, updated information on Satanic and Setian organizations is imperative for the field. Purpose: The purpose of this research note is to update the literature surrounding Satanism and Setianism with new organizational and administrative information, which will help scholars studying these groups in developing new theoretical frameworks and interpretations. Methods: A snowball sample interview, participant obs…Read more
  • The Church of Satan, the seminal example of organizational Satanism, was founded in 1966. During the 1970s, the Church of Satan was wracked by a history of numerous schisms. Despite the notoriety of Satanism in popular culture, few scholars have analyzed the Church of Satan as a religious organization. Furthermore, not many scholars have directly discussed the schisms that it has undergone.
  • Children of the Mind and the Concept of Edge and Center Nations
    Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy 5. 2022.
    Orson Scott Card and his Ender Series have had a profound impact on the genre of contemporary science fiction, meriting an academic analysis of some of his more theoretical ideas. I have chosen to analyze his concept of “Center” and “Edge” nations found in Xenocide and Children of the Mind through the lens of international relations, sociological, and political theory, in order to bring nuance to an underdeveloped theory that many non-academics may be familiar with. Ultimately, we must concl…Read more