7Internal Automorphisms and Antimorphisms of Models of NfJournal of Symbolic Logic 1-5. forthcoming.It is shown that every model of NF admits a permutation model containing an internal automorphism.
14Permutation Models in the Sense of Rieger‐BernaysMathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (3): 201-210. 1987.
22Permutation Models in the Sense of Rieger-BernaysZeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 33 (3): 201-210. 1987.
23Reasoning About Theoretical EntitiesWorld Scientific. 2003.As such this book fills a void in the philosophical literature and presents a challenge to every would-be (anti-)reductionist.
64Non-well-foundedness of well-orderable power setsJournal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3): 879-884. 2003.Tarski [5] showed that for any set X, its set w(X) of well-orderable subsets has cardinality strictly greater than that of X, even in the absence of the axiom of choice. We construct a Fraenkel-Mostowski model in which there is an infinite strictly descending sequence under the relation |w (X)| = |Y|. This contrasts with the corresponding situation for power sets, where use of Hartogs' ℵ-function easily establishes that there can be no infinite descending sequence under the relation |P(X)| = |Y|
58The status of the axiom of choice in set theory with a universal setJournal of Symbolic Logic 50 (3): 701-707. 1985.
42Term models for weak set theories with a universal setJournal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2): 374-387. 1987.
78Ramsey’s theorem and König’s LemmaArchive for Mathematical Logic 46 (1): 37-42. 2007.We consider the relation between versions of Ramsey’s Theorem and König’s Infinity Lemma, in the absence of the axiom of choice
56Further consistency and independence results in NF obtained by the permutation methodJournal of Symbolic Logic 48 (2): 236-238. 1983.
72Mathematical Objects arising from Equivalence Relations and their Implementation in Quine's NFPhilosophia Mathematica 24 (1): 50-59. 2016.Many mathematical objects arise from equivalence classes and invite implementation as those classes. Set-existence principles that would enable this are incompatible with ZFC's unrestricted _aussonderung_ but there are set theories which admit more instances than does ZF. NF provides equivalence classes for stratified relations only. Church's construction provides equivalence classes for "low" sets, and thus, for example, a set of all ordinals. However, that set has an ordinal in turn which is n…Read more
84An Order-Theoretic Account of Some Set-Theoretic ParadoxesNotre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (1): 1-19. 2011.We present an order-theoretic analysis of set-theoretic paradoxes. This analysis will show that a large variety of purely set-theoretic paradoxes (including the various Russell paradoxes as well as all the familiar implementations of the paradoxes of Mirimanoff and Burali-Forti) are all instances of a single limitative phenomenon
261ZF + "every set is the same size as a wellfounded set"Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1): 1-4. 2003.Let ZFB be ZF + "every set is the same size as a wellfounded set". Then the following are true. Every sentence true in every (Rieger-Bernays) permutation model of a model of ZF is a theorem of ZFB. (i.e.. ZFB is the theory of Rieger-Bernays permutation models of models of ZF) ZF and ZFAFA are both extensions of ZFB conservative for stratified formulæ. The class of models of ZFB is closed under creation of Rieger-Bernays permutation models
32Permutations and stratified formulae a preservation theoremZeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 36 (5): 385-388. 1990.
78Finite-to-one mapsJournal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4): 1251-1253. 2003.It is shown in ZF (without choice) that if there is a finite-to-one map P(X) → X, then X is finite
73Implementing Mathematical Objects in Set TheoryLogique Et Analyse 50 (197): 79-86. 2007.In general little thought is given to the general question of how to implement mathematical objects in set theory. It is clear that—at various times in the past—people have gone to considerable lengths to devise implementations with nice properties. There is a litera- ture on the evolution of the Wiener-Kuratowski ordered pair, and a discussion by Quine of the merits of an ordered-pair implemen- tation that makes every set an ordered pair. The implementation of ordinals as Von Neumann ordinals i…Read more
32Normal subgroups of infinite symmetric groups, with an application to stratified set theoryJournal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1): 17-26. 2009.
24Erdös-Rado without ChoiceJournal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3). 2007.A version of the Erdös-Rado theorem on partitions of the unordered n-tuples from uncountable sets is proved, without using the axiom of choice. The case with exponent 1 is just the Sierpinski-Hartogs' result that $\aleph (\alpha)\leq 2^{2^{2^{\alpha}}}$
70Sharvy’s Lucy and Benjamin PuzzleStudia Logica 90 (2): 249-256. 2008.Sharvy’s puzzle concerns a situation in which common knowledge of two parties is obtained by repeated observation each of the other, no fixed point being reached in finite time. Can a fixed point be reached?
66End-extensions preserving power setJournal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1): 323-328. 1991.We consider the quantifier hierarchy of Takahashi [1972] and show how it gives rise to reflection theorems for some large cardinals in ZF, a new natural subtheory of Zermelo's set theory, a potentially useful new reduction of the consistency problem for Quine's NF, and a sharpening of another reduction of this problem due to Boffa.
98Yablo's Paradox and the Omitting Types Theorem for Propositional LanguagesLogique Et Analyse 54 (215): 323. 2011.
43Permutations and Wellfoundedness: The True Meaning of the Bizarre Arithmetic of Quine's NFJournal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1). 2006.It is shown that, according to NF, many of the assertions of ordinal arithmetic involving the T-function which is peculiar to NF turn out to be equivalent to the truth-in-certain-permutation-models of assertions which have perfectly sensible ZF-style meanings, such as: the existence of wellfounded sets of great size or rank, or the nonexistence of small counterexamples to the wellfoundedness of ∈. Everything here holds also for NFU if the permutations are taken to fix all urelemente
A Note On Paradoxes In EthicsThe Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 1. 2005.
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