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    Use of a conformational switching aptamer for rapid and specific ex vivo identification of central nervous system lymphoma in a xenograft model
    with J. F. Georges, X. Liu, J. Eschbacher, J. Nichols, M. A. Mooney, Joy A., R. F. Spetzler, B. G. Feuerstein, M. C. Preul, H. Yan, and P. Nakaji
    Improved tools for providing specific intraoperative diagnoses could improve patient care. In neurosurgery, intraoperatively differentiating non-operative lesions such as CNS B-cell lymphoma from operative lesions can be challenging, often necessitating immunohistochemical procedures which require up to 24-48 hours. Here, we evaluate the feasibility of generating rapid ex vivo specific labeling using a novel lymphoma-specific fluorescent switchable aptamer. Our B-cell lymphoma-specific switchabl…Read more
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    “Cutting Them Down to Size”: Humbling and Protreptic in Plato’s Lysis
    Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32. 2023.
    This article examines the role that humbling plays in Socratic practice. Specifically, we consider how Socrates humbles his interlocutors in order to turn them towards the pursuit of philosophical friendship. We argue against a standard interpretation of humbling in the Lysis, which holds that Socrates humbles Lysis by exposing his own ignorance to him at 210d. Instead, we argue that the humbling occurs not when Lysis is (allegedly) made aware of his own ignorance, but at 222d near the end of th…Read more
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    Thinking Being: Introduction to Metaphysics in the Classical Tradition. By Eric D. Perl
    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 90 (1): 161-163. 2016.
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    Victor Lee Austin, Up with Authority (review)
    Tradition and Discovery 39 (2): 65-67. 2012.