22Automated informed consentBig Data and Society 11 (4). 2024.Online privacy policies or terms and conditions ideally provide users with information about how their personal data are being used. The reality is that very few users read them: they are long, often hard to understand, and ubiquitous. The average internet user cannot realistically read and understand all aspects that apply to them and thus give informed consent to the companies who use their personal data. In this article, we provide a basic overview of a solution to the problem. We suggest tha…Read more
5Thinking Through Transparency: An Exploration of Self-KnowledgeIn Adam Andreotta & Benjamin Winokur (eds.), New perspectives on transparency and self-knowledge, Routledge. 2025.Andreotta and Winokur provide an overview of “transparency-theoretic” approaches to self-knowledge, drawing largely on the formative influences of Gareth Evans, Richard Moran, and their critical interlocutors. Transparency-theoretic accounts of self-knowledge state that one must, or can, look outward at the world in order to know something about one’s mind (and perhaps other aspects of oneself). Some traditional objections and limitations for transparency-theoretic accounts of self-knowledge are…Read more
9Transparency, Moore's Paradox, and the Concept of BeliefIn Adam Andreotta & Benjamin Winokur (eds.), New perspectives on transparency and self-knowledge, Routledge. 2025.This chapter takes a closer look at the relationship between belief and judgment. It presents an argument for the output thesis—the thesis that conscious judgments give rise to occurrent beliefs. It is then suggested that the output thesis provides independent support for the transparency method and an independent explanation of why Moore’s Paradox arises. The output thesis stands in contrast to other views in the literature which do not posit such a close connection between judgment and belief.…Read more
9Rethinking informed consent in the big data ageRoutledge. 2024.In the "big data age", providing informed consent online has never been more challenging. Countless companies collect and share our personal data through devices, apps, and websites, fuelling a growing data economy and the emergence of surveillance capitalism. Few of us have the time to read the associated privacy policies and terms and conditions, and thus are often unaware of how our personal data are being used. This is a problem, as in the last few years, large tech companies have abused our…Read more
51New perspectives on transparency and self-knowledge (edited book)Routledge. 2025.This volume presents new perspectives on transparency-theoretic approaches to self-knowledge. It addresses many under-explored dimensions of transparency theories and considers their wider implications for epistemology, philosophy of mind, and psychology. It is natural to think that self-knowledge is gained through introspection, whereby we somehow peer inward and detect our mental states. However, so-called transparency theories emphasize our capacity to peer outward at the world, hence beyond …Read more
53Partial First-Person Authority: How We Know Our Own EmotionsReview of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4): 1375-1397. 2024.This paper focuses on the self-knowledge of emotions. I first argue that several of the leading theories of self-knowledge, including the transparency method (see, e.g., Byrne 2018) and neo-expressivism (see, e.g., Bar-On 2004), have difficulties explaining how we authoritatively know our own emotions (even though they may plausibly account for sensation, belief, intention, and desire). I next consider Barrett’s (2017a) empirically informed theory of constructed emotion. While I agree with her t…Read more
509A Purpose-Focused Approach To Decisions About Returning To In-Person Office WorkJohn Curtin Institute of Public Policy 3 (Future of Work in the Digital Ag): 1-24. 2022.This paper proposes a philosophically informed decision-making methodology, inspired by Aristotle, that encourages constructive discussions amongst employers and employees; is directed towards shared higher-level goals; is consistent with planning frameworks already in place in many businesses; can be amended over time without disruptive disputes; and accounts for the particularities of each industry, enterprise, workplace, and job. It seeks to establish a more fundamental basis for discussions …Read more
123AI, big data, and the future of consentAI and Society 37 (4): 1715-1728. 2022.In this paper, we discuss several problems with current Big data practices which, we claim, seriously erode the role of informed consent as it pertains to the use of personal information. To illustrate these problems, we consider how the notion of informed consent has been understood and operationalised in the ethical regulation of biomedical research (and medical practices, more broadly) and compare this with current Big data practices. We do so by first discussing three types of problems that …Read more
78More than Just a Passing Cognitive Show: a Defence of Agentialism About Self-knowledgeActa Analytica 37 (3): 353-373. 2022.This paper contributes to a debate that has arisen in the recent self-knowledge literature between agentialists and empiricists. According to agentialists, in order for one to know what one believes, desires, and intends, rational agency needs to be exercised in centrally significant cases. Empiricists disagree: while they acknowledge the importance of rationality in general, they maintain that when it comes to self- knowledge, empirical justification, or warrant, is always sufficient. In what …Read more
71Extending the Transparency Method beyond Belief: a Solution to the Generality ProblemActa Analytica 36 (2): 191-212. 2020.According to the Transparency Method, one can know whether one believes that P by attending to a question about the world—namely, ‘Is P true?’ On this view, one can know, for instance, whether one believes that Socrates was a Greek philosopher by attending to the question ‘Was Socrates a Greek philosopher?’ While many think that TM can account for the self-knowledge we can have of such a belief—and belief in general—fewer think that TM can be generalised to account for the self-knowledge we can …Read more
58Revisionism Gone Awry: Since When Hasn't Hume Been a Sceptic?Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (2): 133-155. 2020.In this paper, we argue that revisionary theories about the nature and extent of Hume's scepticism are mistaken. We claim that the source of Hume's pervasive scepticism is his empiricism. As earlier readings of Hume's Treatise claim, Hume was a sceptic – and a radical one. Our position faces one enormous problem. How is it possible to square Hume's claims about normative reasoning with his radical scepticism? Despite the fact that Hume thinks that causal (inductive) reasoning is irrational, he e…Read more
243The hard problem of AI rightsAI and Society 36 (1): 19-32. 2021.In the past few years, the subject of AI rights—the thesis that AIs, robots, and other artefacts (hereafter, simply ‘AIs’) ought to be included in the sphere of moral concern—has started to receive serious attention from scholars. In this paper, I argue that the AI rights research program is beset by an epistemic problem that threatens to impede its progress—namely, a lack of a solution to the ‘Hard Problem’ of consciousness: the problem of explaining why certain brain states give rise to experi…Read more
507Review of The Stone Reader: Modern Philosophy in 133 Arguments (review)Limina 22 88-89. 2016.My review of the The Stone Reader: Modern Philosophy in 133 Arguments by Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley (eds).
127Confabulation does not undermine introspection for propositional attitudesSynthese 198 (5): 4851-4872. 2019.According to some, such as Carruthers (2009, 2010, 2011, 2015), the confabulation data (experimental data showing subjects making false psychological self-ascriptions) undermine the view that we can know our propositional attitudes by introspection. He believes that these data favour his interpretive sensory-access (ISA) theory—the view that self-knowledge of our propositional attitudes always involves self-interpretation of our sensations, behaviour, or situational cues. This paper will review …Read more
429Sounds like Psychology to Me: Transgressing the Boundaries Between Science and PhilosophyLimina 22 (1): 34-50. 2016.In recent years, some eminent scientists have argued that free will, as commonly understood, is an illusion. Given that questions such as ‘do we have free will?’ were once pursued solely by philosophers, how should science and philosophy coalesce here? Do philosophy and science simply represent different phases of a particular investigation—the philosopher concerned with formulating a specific question and the scientist with empirically testing it? Or should the interactions between the two be m…Read more
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