Gemma Robles

Universidad de León
  •  24
    A Variety of DeMorgan Negations in Relevant Logics
    Australasian Journal of Logic 20 (2): 348-374. 2023.
    The present paper is inspired by Sylvan and Plumwood’s logicBM defined in “Non-normal relevant logics” and by their treatmentof negation with the ∗-operator in “The semantics of first-degree en-tailment”. Given a positive logic L including Routley and Meyer’sbasic positive logic and included in either the positive fragment of Eor in that of RW, we investigate the essential De Morgan negation ex-pansions of L and determine all the deductive relations they maintainto each other. A Routley-Meyer se…Read more
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    The well-known logic first degree entailment logic (FDE), introduced by Belnap and Dunn, is defined with |$\wedge $|⁠, |$\vee $| and |$\sim $| as the sole primitive connectives. The aim of this paper is to establish the lattice formed by the class of all 4-valued C-extending implicative expansions of FDE verifying the axioms and rules of Routley and Meyer’s basic logic B and its useful disjunctive extension B|$^{\textrm {d}}$|⁠. It is to be noted that Boolean negation (so, classical propositiona…Read more
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    G3 is Gödelian 3-valued logic, G3\(_\text{Ł}^\leq\) is its paraconsistent counterpart and G3\(_\text{Ł}^1\) is a strong extension of G3\(_\text{Ł}^\leq\). The aim of this paper is to endow each one of the logics just mentioned with a 2 set-up binary Routley semantics.
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    Belnap and Dunn’s well-known 4-valued logic FDE is an interesting and useful non-classical logic. FDE is defined by using conjunction, disjunction and negation as the sole propositional connectives. Then the question of expanding FDE with an implication connective is of course of great interest. In this sense, some implicative expansions of FDE have been proposed in the literature, among which Brady’s logic BN4 seems to be the preferred option of relevant logicians. The aim of this paper is to d…Read more
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    The logic E4 is related to Brady’s BN4 in a similar way to which Anderson and Belnap’s logic of entailment E is related to their logic of the relevant implication R. In ‘A companion to Brady’s 4-valued relevant logic: the 4-valued logic of entailment E4’, quoted in this paper, three alternatives to BN4 and another three to E4 are summarily introduced in a couple of pages as the only alternatives containing Routley and Meyer’s basic logic B, provided some conditions are fulfilled. The aim of this…Read more
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    A Note on Gödel-Dummet Logic LC
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (3): 325-335. 2021.
    Let \ be distintict wffs, \ being an odd number equal to or greater than 1. Intuitionistic Propositional Logic IPC plus the axiom \\vee...\vee \vee \) is equivalent to Gödel-Dummett logic LC. However, if \ is an even number equal to or greater than 2, IPC plus the said axiom is a sublogic of LC.
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    A modal restriction of R-Mingle with the variable-sharing property
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 19 (4): 341-351. 2010.
    A restriction of R-Mingle with the variable-sharing property and the Ackermann properties is defined. From an intuitive semantical point of view, this restriction is an alternative to Anderson and Belnap’s logic of entailment E
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    Let MK3 I and MK3 II be Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with only one and two designated values, respectively. Next, let MK3 G be defined exactly as MK3 I, except th...
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    The present paper is a sequel to Robles et al. :349–374, 2020. A class of implicative expansions of Kleene’s 3-valued logic functionally including Łukasiewicz’s logic Ł3 is defined. Several properties of this class and/or some of its subclasses are investigated. Properties contemplated include functional completeness for the 3-element set of truth-values, presence of natural conditionals, variable-sharing property and vsp-related properties.
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    Basic Quasi-Boolean Expansions of Relevance Logics
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (4): 727-754. 2021.
    The basic quasi-Boolean negation expansions of relevance logics included in Anderson and Belnap’s relevance logic R are defined. We consider two types of QB-negation: H-negation and D-negation. The former one is of paraintuitionistic or superintuitionistic character, the latter one, of dual intuitionistic nature in some sense. Logics endowed with H-negation are paracomplete; logics with D-negation are paraconsistent. All logics defined in the paper are given a Routley-Meyer ternary relational se…Read more
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    A Basic Dual Intuitionistic Logic and Some of its Extensions Included in G3DH
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1): 117-138. 2020.
    The logic DHb is the result of extending Sylvan and Plumwood’s minimal De Morgan logic BM with a dual intuitionistic negation of the type Sylvan defined for the extension CCω of da Costa’s paraconsistent logic Cω. We provide Routley–Meyer ternary relational semantics with a set of designated points for DHb and a wealth of its extensions included in G3DH, the expansion of G3+ with a dual intuitionistic negation of the kind considered by Sylvan (G3+ is the positive fragment of Gödelian 3-valued lo…Read more
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    A basic quasi-Boolean logic of intuitionistic character
    Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (4): 291-311. 2020.
    The logic B M is Sylvan and Plumwood's minimal De Morgan logic. The aim of this paper is to investigate extensions of B M endowed with a quasi-Boolean negation of intuitionistic character included...
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    The logic TM is the result of adding the mingle axiom, M to Ticket Entailment logic, T. In the present study, it is proved that TM has the variable-sharing property . Ternary relational semantics for TM is provided. Finally, an interesting extension of TM with the vsp is briefly discussed
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    LCo with the Converse Ackermann Property is defined as the result of restricting Contraction in LC. Intuitionistic and Superintuitionistic Negation is shown to be compatible with the CAP.
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    A classical result by Słupecki states that a logic L is functionally complete for the 3-element set of truth-values THREE if, in addition to functionally including Łukasiewicz’s 3-valued logic Ł3, what he names the ‘$T$-function’ is definable in L. By leaning upon this classical result, we prove a general theorem for defining binary expansions of Kleene’s strong logic that are functionally complete for THREE.
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    A Routley-Meyer Semantics for Łukasiewicz 3-valued Logic
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 19 29-34. 2018.
    Routley-Meyer ternary relational semantics was introduced in the early seventies of the past century. RM-semantics was intended to model classical relevant logics such as the logic of the relevant conditional R and the logic of Entailment E. But, ever since Routley and Meyer’s first papers on the topic, this essentially malleable semantics has been used for characterizing more general relevant logics or even non-relevant logics. The aim of this paper is to provide an RM-semantics with respect to…Read more
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    Curry’s Paradox, Generalized Contraction Rule and Depth Relevance
    In Konstantinos Boudouris (ed.), Proceedings XXIII world Congress Philosophy, Philosophy Documentation Center. pp. 35-39. 2018.
    As it is well known, in the forties of the past century, Curry proved that in any logic S closed under Modus Ponens, uniform substitution of propositional variables and the Contraction Law, the naïve Comprehension axiom trivializes S in the sense that all propositions are derivable in S plus CA. Not less known is the fact that, ever since Curry published his proof, theses and rules weaker than W have been shown to cause the same effect as W causes. Among these, the Contraction rule or the Modus …Read more
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    Minimal Negation in the Ternary Relational Semantics
    with José M. Méndez and Francisco Salto
    Reports on Mathematical Logic 39 47-65. 2005.
    Minimal Negation is defined within the basic positive relevance logic in the relational ternary semantics: B+. Thus, by defining a number of subminimal negations in the B+ context, principles of weak negation are shown to be isolable. Complete ternary semantics are offered for minimal negation in B+. Certain forms of reductio are conjectured to be undefinable (in ternary frames) without extending the positive logic. Complete semantics for such kinds of reductio in a properly extended positive lo…Read more
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    We consider the logics determined by the set of all natural implicative expansions of Kleene’s strong 3-valued matrix and select the class of all logics functionally equivalent to Łukasiewicz’s 3-valued logic Ł3. The concept of a “natural implicative matrix” is based upon the notion of a “natural conditional” defined in Tomova.
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    This paper is a sequel to ‘Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix with two designated values’, where a ‘bivalent’ Belnap-Dunn semantics is provided for all the expansions referred to in its title. The aim of the present paper is to carry out a parallel investigation for all natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix now with only one designated value.
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    Equivalent overdetermined and underdetermined bivalent Belnap–Dunn type semantics for the logics determined by all natural implicative expansions of Kleene’s strong 3-valued matrix with only one designated value are provided.
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    A 2-set-up Routley-Meyer Semantics for the 4-valued Relevant Logic E4
    with Sandra M. López, José M. Blanco, Marcos M. Recio, and Jesús R. Paradela
    Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (2). 2016.
    The logic BN4 can be considered as the 4-valued logic of the relevant conditional and the logic E4, as the 4-valued logic of entailment. The aim of this paper is to endow E4 with a 2-set-up Routley-Meyer semantics. It is proved that E4 is strongly sound and complete w.r.t. this semantics.
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    Blocking the Routes to Triviality with Depth Relevance
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4): 493-526. 2014.
    In Rogerson and Restall’s, the “class of implication formulas known to trivialize ” is recorded. The aim of this paper is to show how to invalidate any member in this class by using “weak relevant model structures”. Weak relevant model structures verify deep relevant logics only.
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    ABSTRACTA conditional is natural if it fulfils the three following conditions. It coincides with the classical conditional when restricted to the classical values T and F; it satisfies the Modus Ponens; and it is assigned a designated value whenever the value assigned to its antecedent is less than or equal to the value assigned to its consequent. The aim of this paper is to provide a ‘bivalent’ Belnap-Dunn semantics for all natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with …Read more
  • Converse Ackermann Property and Minimal Negation
    with J. MÉndez
    Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1). 2005.
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    Routley-Meyer Ternary Relational Semantics for Intuitionistic-type Negations examines how to introduce intuitionistic-type negations into RM-semantics. RM-semantics is highly malleable and capable of modeling families of logics which are very different from each other. This semantics was introduced in the early 1970s, and was devised for interpreting relevance logics. In RM-semantics, negation is interpreted by means of the Routley operator, which has been almost exclusively used for modeling De…Read more
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    Relational semantics for the 4-valued relevant logics BN4 and E4
    with José M. Blanco, Sandra M. López, Jesús R. Paradela, and Marcos M. Recio
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (2): 173-201. 2016.
    The logic BN4 was defined by R.T. Brady in 1982. It can be considered as the 4-valued logic of the relevant conditional. E4 is a variant of BN4 that can be considered as the 4-valued logic of entailment. The aim of this paper is to define reduced general Routley-Meyer semantics for BN4 and E4. It is proved that BN4 and E4 are strongly sound and complete w.r.t. their respective semantics.
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    Two versions of minimal intuitionism with the CAP. A note
    with José Méndez
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 20 (2): 183-190. 2010.
    La "Conversa de la Propiedad Ackermann" (CAP) es la no demostrabilidad de proposiciones puramente no-necesitivas a partir de proposiciones necesitivas. En nuestro trabajo definimos las dos restricciones básicas de la lógica intuicionista mínima con la CAP.
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    Łukasiewicz three-valued logic Ł3 is often understood as the set of all 3-valued valid formulas according to Łukasiewicz’s 3-valued matrices. Following Wojcicki, in addition, we shall consider two alternative interpretations of Ł3: “well-determined” Ł3a and “truth-preserving” Ł3b defined by two different consequence relations on the 3-valued matrices. The aim of this paper is to provide dual equivalent two-valued under-determined and over-determined interpretations for Ł3, Ł3a and Ł3b. The logic…Read more