21Metaphor and Analogy in DerridaIn Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida, Wiley-blackwell. 2014.Derrida's earlier work has a good deal to say about the question of metaphor. Very strikingly in view of Derrida's later thematic interest in the question of animality, metaphor is also presented in a piece on Edmond Jabès as an “animality of the letter,” as “the primary and infinite equivocality of the signifier as Life”. “White Mythology” argues for a certain irreducibility of “metaphor in the text of philosophy”. The trajectory of Derrida's thought here is especially difficult to capture, but…Read more
7DerridaIn Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 1998.It is at least plausibly arguable that Derrida's will have been the most important philosophical contribution (in French, at least) of the last 30 years, in spite of the impassioned argument his work has provoked and still arouses (concretized most recently in the argument over Cambridge University's proposal to award him an honorary degree, but also in a series of other “affairs” and polemics). It is entirely proper that an account of his work should appear in a volume such as this, and yet the…Read more
8RipIn Richard Rand (ed.), Futures: Of Jacques Derrida, Stanford University Press. pp. 1-18. 2001.
412. The Truth About ParrhēsiaIn Samir Haddad, Penelope Deutscher & Olivia Custer (eds.), Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics, Columbia University Press. pp. 205-220. 2016.
9Kant on the frontier: philosophy, politics, and the ends of the earthFordham University Press. 2017.Pre-liminary -- Prolegomena -- The end of nature -- The return of nature -- Rest in peace -- Interlude: the guiding thread (on philosophical reading) -- Radical nature -- The abyss of judgment -- Finis -- On transcendental fiction (Grenze and Schranke).
20Happy Reading!Oxford Literary Review 44 (2): 192-210. 2022.The ‘Happy Few’ of Stendhal's dedications are certainly readers, but they do not cohere into a community, and are vigilant and suspicious around the use of the first-person plural pronoun. This already sets them apart from the proponents of ‘surface reading’, who, moreover, have a historically questionable and conceptually feeble understanding of the intimate relationship between deconstruction and reading-and indeed of what thinking in terms of ‘surface’ entails.
9Scatter 1: The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, and DerridaFordham University Press. 2020.
13Childish ThingsIn Claire Nouvet, Zrinka Stahuljak & Kent Still (eds.), Minima Memoria: In the Wake of Jean-François Lyotard, Stanford University Press. pp. 197-218. 2006.
11PostmodernismFree Assn Books. 1989."This double issue in the ICA Documents series brings together material which grew out of a major conference held in 1985 on the philosophical dimendions of the postmodernist debate, and three autumn deminars from our French Thinkers series..."--Ed. note.
26Editorial NoteOxford Literary Review 43 (1). 2021.Oxford Literary Review, Volume 43, Issue 1, Page v-v, July, 2021.
17Scatter 2: Politics in DeconstructionFordham University Press. 2021.This book deconstructs the whole lineage of political philosophy, showing the ways democracy abuts and regularly undermines the sovereignist tradition across a range of texts from the Iliad to contemporary philosophy. Politics is an object of perennial difficulty for philosophy—as recalcitrant to philosophical mastery as is philosophy’s traditional adversary, poetry. That difficulty makes it an attractive topic for any deconstructive approach to the tradition from which we inherit our language a…Read more
31Geschlecht pollachos legetaiPhilosophy Today 64 (2): 423-439. 2020.At an important moment in his reading of Heidegger in Geschlecht III, Derrida wields a pair of semi-technical terms from his own earlier work, and uses them to identify a classical, indeed Aristotelian, vein in Heidegger’s reading of Trakl. This gesture is complex, both in that, in spite of appearances, the Mehrdeutigkeit Heidegger identifies in Trakl is not essentially to do with the term Geschlecht, and in that Derrida’s presentation of Aristotle’s views about polysemia is perhaps over-simplif…Read more
22Peut-être une politique.Cahiers Philosophiques 117 (1): 46-61. 2009.Le dernier Lyotard se détournerait de toute apparence du politique vers l’enfance et l’écriture. Et pourtant, nous essayons de montrer qu’à force d’approfondir la question du différend, du « différend même », de la phrase-affect et d’élaborer le rapport entre phonè et logos, Lyotard se retrouve encore et toujours à la racine du politique (chez Aristote, chez Hobbes), là où zoon politikon et zoon echon logon nous posent encore des questions, là où se trouve l’origine du langage, au plus près de c…Read more
69Beastly SovereigntyEnvironmental Philosophy 16 (1): 13-33. 2019.This article examines three textual moments that might plausibly have found their way into Derrida’s late Beast and Sovereign seminars, but that Derrida appears to avoid or overlook. Aristotle’s discussion in the Politics of the “One Best Man” scenario is placed in the context of his earlier characterizations of the naturally apolitical man as akin either to a beast or to a god; Bataille’s late descriptions of sovereignty as a kind of self-perverting hyperbolic structure are juxtaposed with some…Read more
30Circumcising Confession: Derrida, Autobiography, Judaism"Circumfession" (review)Diacritics 25 (4): 20. 1995.
47Rephrasing the Freudian Unconscious: Lyotard's Affect-Phrase"Emma."Heidegger and "The Jews."The InhumanLectures D'Enfance (review)Diacritics 24 (1): 42. 1994.
17Notes towards a Discussion of Method and Metaphor in GlasParagraph 39 (2): 249-264. 2016.At several moments Glas proposes what it is hard not to see as methodological comments on its own procedure. These comments are usually quite difficult, and often involve dense figurative characterizations of the way the work proceeds, always folding any apparent metalinguistic position back on to the object text. After detailed discussion of several of these moments, a second section examines Derrida's deconstruction of Hegel's account of metaphor, and suggests it entails a non-teleological thi…Read more
28TeleanalysisParagraph 36 (2): 270-285. 2013.The telephone is taken as a privileged figure for discussing the relationship between Cixous and Derrida, particularly as it figures in some of Cixous's late work, and especially Hyperdream. It is suggested that the telephonic relation essentially involves interruption as well connection, and that this structure leads to reformulations of issues such as possibility and impossibility, life and death.
29Not YetThe Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic ActDiacritics 12 (3): 23. 1982.
41Rethinking the Linguistic Turn: Current Anxieties in Intellectual HistoryRethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, Language.History and Criticism.Modern European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives.Post-Structuralism and the Question of History (review)Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (3): 519. 1988.
33A Review of A ReviewRethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, LanguageHistory and CriticismModern European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New PerspectivePost-Structuralism and the Question of HistoryThe Content of Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Respresentation (review)Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (4): 677. 1988.
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