Joachim Schulte

This is a database entry with public information about a philosopher who is not a registered user of PhilPeople.
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    Review of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy in 1929, edited by Florian Franken Figueiredo.
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    Friedrich Waismann - Causality and Logical Positivism
    with Brian Mcguinness, Mathieu Marion, Friedrich Waismann, Alexander Bird, and Hadwig Kraeutler
    Springer. 2011.
    Friedrich Waismann (1896–1959) was one of the most gifted students and collaborators of Moritz Schlick. Accepted as a discussion partner by Wittgenstein from 1927 on, he functioned as spokesman for the latter’s ideas in the Schlick Circle, until Wittgenstein’s contact with this most faithful interpreter was broken off in 1935 and not renewed when exile took Waismann to Cambridge. Nonetheless, at Oxford, where he went in 1939, and eventually became Reader in Philosophy of Mathematics (changing la…Read more
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    In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein, Wiley-blackwell. 2017.
    A surveyable representation produces precisely that kind of understanding which consists in ‘seeing connections’. Most of the sentences that go to make up the remarks of Philosophical Investigations can be found in manuscript passages written in June 1931. On 20 November of the same year Wittgenstein writes a letter in reply to a request from Schlick and complains, not only about his own sluggishness, but also about Waismann's inclination to misrepresent his own ideas. In fact, Spengler says a n…Read more
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    Rules and Reason
    In John Preston (ed.), Wittgenstein and Reason, Wiley-blackwell. 2008.
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    This chapter contains section titled: I II III IV.
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    12. Der Glückliche und seine Welt
    In Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (ed.), Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, Akademie Verlag. pp. 305-326. 2001.
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    Correspondance de Ludwig Wittgenstein dans les années 1930
    with Brian McGuinness
    Cités 38 (2): 149. 2009.
    Les lettres reproduites ici furent échangées au début de 1935 entre Ludwig et son frère Paul, le pianiste qui avait perdu un bras à la guerre, et dédicataire des concerti pour la main gauche de Ravel et Prokofiev entre autres... La relation entre les deux frères était toute de spontanéité, dénuée de contrainte et de formalisme. Nous verrons en quoi...
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    Grazer Philosophische Studien 33 (1): 143-156. 1989.
    Anhand eines Vergleichs mit den Stilbegriffen Spenglers und Goethes lassen sich in Wittgensteins Schriften wenigstens drei Bedeutungen des Wortes "Stil" auseinanderhalten: (1) Stil im Sinne einer individuellen, persönlichen Eigenart; (2) Stil im Sinnes des Geistes einer Kultur oder Epoche; (3) Stil im Sinne einer zeit- oder kulturtypischen Ausdrucksform, die zwar prägend, aber nicht zwingend verbindlich ist. Eine Erörterung des Stils in den Bedeutungen (2) und (3) zeigt, inwieweit dieser Begriff…Read more
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    In this book, translated from the German by the author, Joachim Schulte uses the discussions of psychological concepts in Wittgenstein's late manuscripts as a basis of reconstructing the central arguments and ideas developed by Wittgenstein during that period. This reconstruction yields valuable insights not only in the philosophy of psychology, but also in aesthetics and the theory of meaning.
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    with Brian Mcguinness and Rainer Hegselmann
    . 1992.
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    One way of identifying the beginning of the Investigations is by deciding to regard remark 1, and hence neither the motto nor the Preface but the famous quotation from Augustine, as the real starting point of Wittgenstein’s reflections as developed in this book. One point implicit in this decision is that the notion of a language-game is placed in the foreground of Wittgenstein’s discussion. In a way, the language-game of the builders is Wittgenstein’s paradigm of a language-game – but why is it…Read more
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    Philosophische Superlative und die Maschine als Symbol
    Wittgenstein-Studien 12 (1): 1-36. 2021.
    Philosophical Superlatives: Machines as Symbols. – In this paper, my chief aim is to present a close reading of parts of a central sequence of remarks from Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations (191 – 197, cf. Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, I, 121 – 130). The apparent theme of this sequence is the idea of a ‘machine as a symbol of its mode of operation’. Obviously, this idea requires a good deal of clarification, and the present paper attempts to elucidate relevant passages whi…Read more
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    “Engelmann Told Me…”: On the Aesthetic Relevance of a Certain Remark by Wittgenstein
    Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 57 (1): 15-27. 2020.
    This paper is an attempt at bringing out various aesthetically relevant points alluded to by Wittgenstein in what I call ‘the Engelmann remark’ – a longish manuscript remark written by Wittgenstein in 1930 and painstakingly discussed by Michael Fried in the context of elucidating what is strikingly new in the work of a photographer like Jeff Wall. One part of this paper is dedicated to summarizing and briefly examining the account given by Fried while another part is meant to clarify some of Wit…Read more
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    Wittgenstein: an Introduction
    with L. F. S., W. H. Brenner, and J. F. Holley
    Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183): 281. 1996.
    Joachim Schulte’s introduction provides a distinctive and masterful account of the full range of Wittgenstein’s thought. It is concise but not compressed, substantive but not overloaded with developmental or technical detail, informed by the latest scholarship but not pedantic. Beginners will find it accessible and seasoned students of Wittgenstein will appreciate it for the illuminating overview it provides
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    Zum Harmonie-Kapitel der „Philosophischen Untersuchungen“
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (3): 389. 2004.
  • Wittgenstein on emotion
    In Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist & Michael McEachrane (eds.), Emotions and understanding: Wittgensteinian perspectives, Palgrave-macmillan. pp. 27. 2009.
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    Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung
    with Ludwig Wittgenstein and Brian Mcguinness
    Suhrkamp Publishers. 1989.
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    Ethics and the Will: Essays
    with Friedrich Waismann, Brian Mcguinness, Moritz Schlick, and Y. Shechter
    Springer. 1994.
    INTRODUCTION The present volume unites contributions by the leading figure of the Vienna Circle and by two of his closest assoCiates, contributions that deal with an area of thought represented, indeed, in this Collection but certainly not the central one in the common picture ofthe Circle's activities. It is no accident that an interest in ethics and the philosophy of action was particularly marked in what Neurath was apt to call the right wing of the Circle. For them, as for Wittgenstein (the …Read more
  • Wittgenstein-Our Untimely Contemporary
    Acta Philosophica Fennica 77 59. 2005.
  • Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle
    with Friedrich Waismann and Brian Mcguinness
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (1): 166-166. 1980.